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A AFO Mud Island Adventure


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okay, well had a chat to afew people, and i already know of afew who might be keen for a sunday fish at mud.

Thought this would be a perfect time to cash in with afew fish as the weather is A plus standed.


Was wondering who would be keen, so fair we have myself, dan25 and jezz.fish coming.. so 3 tinny's already.

would be awesome to get afew memeber together for a good old fish :side: :whistle:

If there weather man is on the spot, might even be thinking of heading out alittle further to see if the macks are playing the game.

All welcome! :woohoo:

Cheers Runtyy B)B)

PS - no wangs coming ;););):P:P:P hahha

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Just got back from out there, great morning with plenty of fish caught. Stand outs were a 44cm squire, 55cm tailor and a 40cm dart also a stack of Bream around 25fl. Got bricked 3 times again, might have to start using 8/10LB leaders out there and maybe 6LB braid :unsure: Should be good for use tomorrow if you beat the traffic and sunrise.

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Just got back from out there, great morning with plenty of fish caught. Stand outs were a 44cm squire, 55cm tailor and a 40cm dart also a stack of Bream around 25fl. Got bricked 3 times again, might have to start using 8/10LB leaders out there and maybe 6LB braid :unsure: Should be good for use tomorrow if you beat the traffic and sunrise.

Nice, much bait around?? did you get the taylor in the school?

yeah cant wait till sunday, ive gotta feeling it will be an awesome day!

Yeah haha i use 3lb leader and braid :pinch:

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Nice. KAF - were yhou on the southern side??

Troy - might see you on the water tomorrow. I'm finally getting out - WOOT!!!.[/quote

Just look for something going warp speed !

Look for the equivelent of a black, hotted up honda jazz with 2 asian ricers onboard trying to keep up :silly:

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Nice. KAF - were yhou on the southern side??

Troy - might see you on the water tomorrow. I'm finally getting out - WOOT!!!.[/quote

Just look for something going warp speed !

Look for the equivelent of a black, hotted up honda jazz with 2 asian ricers onboard trying to keep up :silly:


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I've got work off now so i should be there tommorow with denny - lookout for my white tinny w/ motorguide on the front and come say hi if you see us.

anyone got a 'reliable' weather site for tommorow? i'm getting mixed results :S

haha sweeet see you then! thoese word dont go hand in hand, ive got a feeling it will be a good day, maybe alittle hard to get ou there, but once you get to mud its very easy to hide from any wind.

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