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Fishing the Train Station


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Left cleveland early saturday with 3 other AFO baots following met up with 2 other boats at amity before crossing the bar. It was an easy crossing for us while watching Shane race past us before the outer bank and get some air with the boat while we kept a steady pace and dodged all the steep waves.

Jigged up a bucket full of yakkas at shag rock before heading out to the train station and settle into some floatlining. First fish was a average size spangeled emperor for the area it went hard and i thought i might be onto a good snapper but was disapointed when i saw diferent colour.



The fish came in slowly and 2 good size snapper were sharked only getting large heads left for us to stew about. Saw Brad next to us get onto many unstopables that must of pulled like trains then a few started hitting our floatlines.

At the end of the day we did some drifts and found the spot where they were on the chew but these trains with scales were giving us plenty of hurt with strong runs on maximum drag. In the end we had 16 bust offs with these brutes all from the same spot on the drift, in the end we had 4 snapper and the 1 spangeled emperor to take home.

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no 4 size sinker and floating pillies out 200m with 6/o circle hooks the current was spot on as they say no run no fun i don't let the sinker get to the bottom as thats where the rats are

Looks like someone got into some fish, we found it hard with the current getting baits down,

Can I ask what leads you guys were using and how far out we're you floating them?

Well done mate.


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It was a great day out there mark

It was my fault we got air borne. Should have taken it easy and stayed behind you.

It was a good leason learnt n from now i know to take it easy n never under estimate a wave.

The rock failed us this time. We had about 6 unstoppables n 3 bit offs. We caught heaps of small stuff there. Once i caught a sting ray we decided to move.

We lost a few good fish at middle reef. Sat right top of it n floatlined with size 1 sinker. Lost a few good snapper that went into reef. Managed to get 2 up n few other reef fish.

I know the feeling with the spangled. I caught 1 abit bigger than that last week there he fought so well i thought it was a big snapper. Pretty dissapointedvwhen it came up

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no 4 size sinker and floating pillies out 200m with 6/o circle hooks the current was spot on as they say no run no fun i don't let the sinker get to the bottom as thats where the rats are

Looks like someone got into some fish, we found it hard with the current getting baits down,

Can I ask what leads you guys were using and how far out we're you floating them?

Well done mate.


thanks tugger, well next time i get offered to go out ill give it a try, cant be any less sucessful than yesterday ha


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