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Kingscliff Yabbying?


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Hi all, going to Kingscliff for the long weekend next weekend, and starting to plan some fishing. I have about 3 or 4 spots already I have in mind but I am writing in regarard to one question... : I know its already May (Well just about) But can you pump yabbies any where around this area. I just want some tips on where maybe to pump, or if theres no where, I don't want to bring the pump and sift as iy would just get in the way... So where can yabbies be pumped in kingscliff? All replies, hints and tips will be greatly appriciated! :woohoo: I am looking forward to this trip very much... Anyways


Anthony B)

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From memory near the first bridge its a big flat on low tide and there was holes and weedbeds there i got a few flathead etc but didnt have a pump. and on the outgoing tide sit right next to the bridge on the rocks and get a fresh loaf of bread and small suicide hooks throw out lots of small pieces of bread to attract the bream up then drop yours in the middle. good fun and you dont even need to use smelly bait.

off the rock walls at the mouth would probably be good also i saw a few trevs around there last time.

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Cheers bud... :) Yeahh, I went up a bit eralier this year just for the day, and fished high tide with results of a monster truck load of mullet! and good size bream.... I did also have fishing the mouth off those rocks...

Anyways thanks heaps for the info, and i'll write up a report on how i go:)



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My info is very outdated so could be no longer relevant. Around Kingscliffe used to be yabbies at the mouth of Cudgen creek on the southern side near the mouth, but I've heard there's been lots of erosion so might not be sandbanks there any more.

Short drive to the Tweed, closest places for yabbies I can think of to Kingscliffe would be at Chinderah- try northern side of river, upriver slightly in the Chinderah bay foreshores- used to be heaps of yabbies there when I was a kid. Also usually patches of yabbies on the south side of the bridge on the sand going upriver of Barneys point bridge- try the sandbank that builds up pretty much directly under the bridge on low tide.

If you can find squirt worms they are deadly for big whiting and blackfish. Also big dart love yabbies in the surf on Kingscliffe beach, and big bream up hard to the rocks on the breakwaters at the mouths of Tweed, Cudgen creek etc. love yabbies- but you need to fish close to the structure.

Hope that helps, I lived at Tweed as a kid but that was a long time ago!

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hey mate, i can give you a spot but im having trouble trying to copy the picture from google maps. do you now how i can do this or even do a screenshot? if you find out let me know and i can make you up a map. if not go to kingscliff area on google maps and hit satelite. zoom in until you see the bridges on sutherland st. then you will see a small pine tree icon saying "Jack Julius Park" its the sand bank directly below and to the right and its within walking distance from the road that loops through the park. ive got plenty of yabbies from here in the past but havnt been there for a while. if i can sort the map out ill highlite some worth while locations to take your yabbies to for a fish

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