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Rain Rain and more Rain, but hey.. got some fish!


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So i have been deprived of a good solid session of fishing today. A quick sms to Hai (twinky), and the decision was to hit up a new spot near the nsw border regardless whether it rained, hailed or stormed!

We got to the spot at approx 8pm and in goes a few prawns. Didnt take long before i pulled up a flathead going approx 40cm, but as we were targeting bream, we decided that the flatty was going to live to fight another day.

we fished for the next hour only to get a few small rat bream and half hearted touches. getting towards 9.45pm my line starts to move off slowly with the current. Didnt feel any weight and certainly no fish at the end of it, til when it was only about 8m out in front something smashes my bait.

Bit of a tussle and up comes a very nice solid bream going near 40cm.

15 mins later, Hai gets a decent fight with heavy runs. We both were excited and thought whatever it was, it was going to be big! Anyway, few mins later, the worst came true. A bloody stingray. Oh well, line cut and the Ray bolting off like lightning but it was still a good fight nevertheless.

Went home not long after as the Rain just got even heavier and our brittle bones couldnt hack the cold anymore.

Heres a few pics


this guy needs to go to the dentist


had fun with my torch again. The other side of the wall was over 100m away



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Thanks Drew,

We were pretty sheltered but the bridge must of had heaps of crack in it.. Water was dripping on our backs. Everytime the wind picked up, gee we could have done with a heater in front of us.

Otherside is a rockwall. would be interesting to see what it holds around it. Will go back when we have the chance and stick up another report.


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Good on you for braving the cold guys!

Is that your awesome torch thats is shinging through the breams body Tai? :)

cheers Justin, nah its Hai's cree headlamp on the bream.

If i put my torch on it, it would prob burn through the bream hahah. Its 8000 lumens and can get extremely hot but gee, its bright! Specs say beam can be seen 3ks away. Its 12 volts and uses a HID bulb from the car.

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Good on you for braving the cold guys!

Is that your awesome torch thats is shinging through the breams body Tai? :)

cheers Justin, nah its Hai's cree headlamp on the bream.

If i put my torch on it, it would prob burn through the bream hahah. Its 8000 lumens and can get extremely hot but gee, its bright! Specs say beam can be seen 3ks away. Its 12 volts and uses a HID bulb from the car.

Do you have a link to this torch?

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