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the first for the season


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nic and i had a late start to the trip on Sunday. we got to ramp at around 11.00m with the aim at getting the first shark of the season. We got to the measured mile at around 11.30 and dropped anchor. I put out a 2.5kg bonito on the Penn international 80w and a big slab of eel on the tld50lrsa and nic put out half of a 1.2m eel.

Rite on the change of the tide, the Penn went zzzzzzzzzzzz, pick it up and turned of the ratchet and let it run for approx 10 seconds and threw the leaver up. The rod bent of and boom, out of the water like a missile, a 5 foot bully took to the air, approx 3-4 foot clear of the water. Running 80lb stren, this little fella had no chance of even think about pulling any drag. With in no time the trace was up and nic traced the shark and I got the tail rope out. I put the tail rope on the little fella and went to pull it into the boat and nic said, your not bringing that in are you, yep I replied, you can deal the head then Kurt. I pulled it aboard on got the circle hook out cleanly from the corner of the jaw and took a couple of pics and then threw it back. So I got my first for the season, a good was to ,kick it off.

Shortly after nics rod he had out with a pilly on it went screaming of, a good 10 min battle on 15, and up popped a nice little mac tuna hooked it the tail. By this time, the wind had started to pick up to a stiff 15-20 and it started getting quite lumpy, so we decide to pack it in for the day.

Cheers kurt





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Nice work for the first of the season!

I can't wait to hook up to my first bullie!

Trying to get a trip organised in the next few weeks.

I don't have a boat so I'll be fishing from the shore, you guys got any recommendations for a place near Brissy where I can hook up to something at least 5 foot?

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Nice stuff Kurt. I'm still a girl when it comes to picking them up lol

if you pick them up like this, it is quite safe, keep it mind if the shark starts to kick hold them away from your body or put it straight down. another thing not remember, you can judge a sharks movements by its tail, it can only swing around and bite you by turning it body/kicking its tail. you can safely hold some sharks by the tail, but i suggest not to as some can reach the tails. Or you can use the comfort lift. One hand under the belly between the pectoral fins, and the other grabbing it tail

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