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Workout at Hutchies 22/10/12


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Hi all,

As I'm on holidays for two weeks and the swell/wind looked great I ducked out for a look at Hutchies.Picked up a couple of livies at some beacons, lots of bait around and a fair few bonito as well.

Crossed the top of moreton to glass conditions.


A few bird schools around busting up but headed over to Hutchies and dropped a livie out. In under a minute I was on to something big. I got a fair bit of a shock because I had only just put the line down. From how it was fighting I am thinking it was a cobe because he took me straight down and the fight got dirty. After about five minutes he busted me off.

After retying some fresh hooks on I dropped out another livie to try my luck again. This is on a 15kg carbon rod.

[video width=425 height=344 type=youtube]I6FpO0P4jys

Well the line snapped that time, mustn't have tied it correctly. This one popped up the top so I think the sharks had moved in. Bring it on...

Reset again with my last livie.

[video width=425 height=344 type=youtube]KpMNSu1FiHo

OK that didn't work, line again. This time went back to the old faithful swivel my variation on a snell and the old faithful pillie. Set it up on the 24kg rod.

[video width=425 height=344 type=youtube]1Nc10IM5HDU

This is getting annoying. Finally bit the bullet and go my snell to a nice length of leader and an improved albright.

[video width=425 height=344 type=youtube]9b3L_xm3sdU

Fought this bloke for about 30 minutes reversing on him, changing angle, spinning around. Unfortunately the battery died on the camera. Got him to about 3m from the boat but he was too heavy to get any further. Set the drag to sunset and let him snap me off.

A northerly started to blow and it was starting to get late in the afternoon so headed home.

Overall a great day just didn't get anything to eat.

Cheers for reading.


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There are some brute Sharks at Hutchies, i have been smoked on a T curve 400 and Saragosa 18000f running 80lb braid and 130lb leader.

What reel are you using, is it just me or is the drag really jerky.

cheers tim :)

The first two video's are with my old Quantum Big Iron that is in need of some new drag washers. Had it upgraded ages ago but she's been smoked a few too many times. It has pulled in some monsters but.

Last two video's are with a austackle reel.

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Nice work man.

Looks like a awesome trip. What do you reckon they were, big kingies?

Man I'm dying to get out ATM but so busy with work.

Hopefully weather settles down for weekend.

You fishing bay Sunday? I'm thinking of coming your way to see any mackerel around.


Yeah I think the first fish was a kingie or a cobe but the other 4 were sharks. They were sitting in one area and the drift was slow so you could get a few drops on them.

I wont be out sunday mate, still up the coast then but I think you should do great. Lots of bait around the beacons and plenty of big fish rounding them up too. I didn't worry chasing them because the weather was so good and I wanted to give hutchies another hit.

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Any beacon on the moreton side of the bay I have been able to find livies. I haven't had too much luck on the brisbane side of the bay.

Keeping them away from the dolphins is another story.

4 beacons usually produces more bait, you just have to be real quick but they all hold them.

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