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Trying to avoid closed season barra


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Headed down to the Navy base wharf last night in the hope of some jack and fingermark action. No prawns about with the castnet so had to settle for some bony bream for bait. Water was quite calm and clear as wet season hasn't started yet, and under the wharf lights it was loaded with a massive school of 60+cm tarpon and plenty of barra getting about on the surface. As its closed season I opted to fish the live bony bream by drifting into the darkness under the wharf to hopefully pull a jack or fingermark and avoid all the barra working on the surface in the lit up areas. This didn't happen as the buggers were everywhere and I kept moving along the wharf to deeper and less lit up areas trying to get away from the barra, so I WAS trying to do the right thing and leave the barra alone but they were just everywhere. Got around 10 fish all in the 70's in an hour, and also dropped one around 110cm that smashed a livie as I was retrieving it up from the deep water 'fingermark zone' along the front of the wharf. Also hooked the biggest barra I have ever seen in my life- the big girl smashed my livie off the bottom in the shadows before charging up into the light to do a big gill rattle and tailwalk right under my feet. Of course I had no chance of turning this fish away from the pylons on 50 pound braid and she busted me under the wharf like my nearly locked drag wasn't even there. Both my mate and I got a good look at her and both agree at putting her at around 130cm.

I knew I had to stop fishing as I couldn't keep away from the barra. didn't want to go home after only an hour fishing so changed to light gear and little plastics to do the tarpon thing. Did that for about an hour and racked up maybe 10 or so before getting sick of retying shredded leaders, so called it quits for the evening.

Note to readers: I DO realise its closed season for barra and all fish were dehooked and released as quickly as possible, with the odd quick photo during the release process. Also I AM aware they should be released in the water, however noting I am fishing from a high wharf I think the better option is our method where we swim the fish into a liftnet, remove and dehook on a wet-down bragmat, and then lower back down to the water in the lift net. The process only takes about 10 seconds. Also note I DID STOP FISHING after not being able to get away from the barra.






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Love tarpon, sometimes the by catch can't be avoided no matter what you do, I take it no jacks showed themselves?

Nope not a single jack which I was surprised by as I dropped a livie into all my best jack sections of the wharf. Will probably have to wait till member 'bennno' gets back home as he seems to be the red fish magnet in Cairns these days.

I used to enjoy catching tarpon years ago, but there's just so many in Cairns you just end up getting sick of them, kind of like tailor in SEQ. The bloke I was fishing with last night is a very irregular angler and he was having a ball with them though.

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