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Summer Whiting

Plastic King

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Went up Pumice Stone Passage on new years eve the wind was blowing its arse off and with a run in tide, decided to go for some whiting. Flicked a plastic around Donny Brook for a few minutes before I pumped some yabbies and got a 46cm Flatty. Got my yabbies then head up to my spot it was about 3/4 run in tide, the water was running fast and I knew I had to fish the slow water near the top of the tide (keeping in mind I had to pick up some stuff for New Years....managed to squeeze in another hour :P ). Anyway ended up with a few good whiting, a flatty and a grunter. She was a rough ride home! Love it when there is waves in the passage, water all over my spotters and a air born tinnie :woohoo:



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Thanks Guys,

Fishing the slower water....try to stay out of the main current and fish where the water is slower I've found if it's running too fast the fish won't sit in it. I'll fish off to the side near the mangroves (sheltered from the current) and then fish last of the run in on a yabbie bank in about a metre of water.

Went back to the same spot on the weekend with a mate and got, 5 Grunter, 3 Whiting, 2 Bream, a Tarwhine and a Shovelnose Ray.

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