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Bass back in business


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Headed out to my local to see how it held up during the floods.

The water was surprisingly clear and back to normal with a few extra snags. Looked so fishy! Was great to see all the old water flushed out.

Decided to try a few of my new lures.

Got two big splashing hits using my black Sammy 65 but the hooks didnt set unfortunately.

My mate Olly landed two bass (30 and 35 cm) and that was it for the hour or so we spent fishing.

The younger fellas madi (steely) and James (bersim) had no luck.

Was a great afternoon just being outside in the lovely environment this area has to offer and seeing a fresh, flushed out creek system ready for some more bass fishing!

Here are a couple of poor quality photos like usual. James might have some better ones





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Thanks Sam, it was awesome fun with a fair bit of action. The bass seemed to go right off the bite as soon as one was caught so it was the luck of who could get one first!!! Here's a few pics of the bass.


They seemed to be hiding in the deep slow moving water near the rapids.



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