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Gold Coast Broadwater 14/9/07

Liquor Box

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Set out from the Caravan Park at around 630am and paddled out to the sand banks and started to throw around some plastics.

There was not a single bite for around an hour and then bang, i felt a huge bite but lost it:angry: Got a couple more nibbles but all to no avail. It was a beautiful day, as always when out fishing and not at work:laugh:

I beached my Yak on the sand and threw a 3\" pumpkin seed minnow out into about 6 inches of water and had a little interest but nothing else. On about the 5th cast i felt a little tap and Bingo I had a fish! A little whiting...and did I say little!!!

I had been told once that a big hook can catch a big fish but a small hook can catch a big and small fish- well i think i have ruined that saying- It seems that fish can be caught on a jig head that weighs more than them and with a bait that is the same size as them.

Had no bites after the monster and left at around 10am when the wind was picking up a bit.

I was suprised to see no more yaks on the broadwater, i have seen a single and two man out on Friday mornings for the last 5-6 weeks but not today. [img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/130_2992_AFO.jpg


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Liquor Box wrote:

I had been told once that a big hook can catch a big fish but a small hook can catch a big and small fish- well i think i have ruined that saying- It seems that fish can be caught on a jig head that weighs more than them and with a bait that is the same size as them.

I've also busted that myth wide open. A 3 1/2inch Cardinalfish caught on a 3inch minnow with a 7gram 1/0 jighead. He didn't release well tho:(. Nearly certain that that is a Winter whiting as well. Good Flathead bait.

[img size=375]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/Cardinal_2_AFO.jpg


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