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Misty morning bass


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Woke up at about 5 this morning and with the sun still down I decided to rig up the rods so Dad and I could go for a short bass flick. The creeks were very misty and the bass were hungry!!!!!!!! I chucked out my sammy 65 while I was still trying to wake up and before I could even twitch the lure the water exploded with a hungry bass. Thinking it had missed the hooks I went to start walking it when I realised that it had swallowed the lure and was just sitting there waiting to be reeled in :huh::huh::huh: I started winding him in when he took off with some very aggressive head shakes, but luckily he didn't bother trying to dig himself under the bank. The photo didn't turn out too well due to the low light :pinch:

Only photos that was ok.



We then moved on to the next spot where I scored another bass first cast :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:


Dad managed about 3 hits on his tiemco for no fish. Then he got 2 bass on a P21 greedy guts but for some reason they both managed to escape just at the bank :huh:

I then changed to a little diving hard body and first cast I managed to lob it over the branch of a tree so the lure was just touching the water :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: I thought it would be pretty funny if a bass came up and hit it off the surface while it was sitting there, and just as I pulled it up and out, up and out, the water exploded :lol::lol::lol::lol: The hooks didn't hold but it was very funny that it would hit the lure bouncing up and down, so I tried again and bang.... baaang!!!! But again the hooks didn't hold. It was a great session and I'm just glad we avoided a donut.


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