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Nudgee beach


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Decided to do something completely different today and fished land based at a place I've never been before.

Took my mate Craig (bones11) along and he was keen to blood his new luvias and gen black combo.

We went to nudgee beach mainly because a bloke I know reckons he's never seen a fish been caught there when he walks his dog there most days. So I wanted to change that!

Didn't take long for the first fish. Was good fishing time with the tide coming in quickly and we fished a little drop off.

Craig's pb bream on his new setup going 30cm.



I managed a little flatty but lost four fish which was frustrating. I think I was playing the fish too lightly and didn't strike hard enough to set the hooks. I guess 6lb is stronger than I think! Two I dropped felt pretty big :( . Oh well lessons learnt and I will hopefully do better next time.


Anyway it was a cool little spot with good sand flats and drop offs and now that I know there are plenty of fish there (I just wasn't good enough to catch them) I will definitely head back there sometime soon.


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In saying that though I got busted by 2 good bream would have been mid 30s when I got them yak side and a big flatty on 6pound leader on sunday grrrrr but yea also lost alot more due to not setting the hook enough was very paranoid lol.

great effort I may need to have a look there on my way home from work :)

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Landing a fish is the most critical part or all. The fish may seem to be out of juice but they can be easily spooked by the yak/boat and net and will give it all they've got for one final run. This can be disastrous when you only have a couple of meters of line between you and the fish. Many people will let off their drag a bit at this stage. Have your drag set where you want it to make a good hook set and if you are more comfortable just let it off a bit afterwards or close to the landing.

Also remember you can add some drag when the fish is taking line (as the inertia is a lot lower when the spool is rotating compare to when it's stationary) but return it back to where it was when the fish starts to slow down or stops.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A much easier technique than adjust yr drag is to palm or finger the spool, leave yr drag set simply apply gentle pressure with yr finger(s) or palm if the fish wants to run. It's a lot easier, far safer (u don't have any possability of screwing up yr drag setting or fingers touching line) and once u get the knack, it's hgreat fun.

Cheers n tight lines

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