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A Bout With Trout


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Trout season opens this weekend and I am off to the New England Ranges to do battle. Sounds like big talk but in fact it's only my third time at trout fishing.

My first trip last year I landed 6 trout 1 was 5lb, 3 was 4lb and 2 was 2lb. My mate who is a 50 year vet of fly fishing banned me from useing spin gear and told me only fly from now on.[spoil sport]

My second trip with a baisic knowledge of the fly, I lost about 10 before I finaly landed my first, oh what a feeling.

Now I am hooked so I better get some use out of this fly gear. By the way there is still an unused 8/9 wt rod reel and 2 extra spools for sale if any body interested.

Fish while you can


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Thats the way I used to fish, the dry acts as a strike indicator, an old club that I used to belong to had a few knobs that used to describe wet fly fishing as lure fishing (hence looked down upon it) Not to mention the crap I used to get for drifting live worms and grasshoppers, the fact we caught 10 fish to there 1 with wet flies (especially on lakes) was always frowned upon :evil: What sort of trout most common in the area rainbows or browns?

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My mate smoked one for me last time, only I think he smoked it to long as it was horrable,lightly smoked would be nice. I have only fished in a couple of the streams down there and I think they only had introduced trout in them. We pass over some nice looking water on the way there,I feel like a cast at every river and creek.


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