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bribie bait soak

James W

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well caught up with old mate mark and his soon to be wife angie and a decision was made quick to go soak a few baits and have a beer or two...upon arrival the tide was hardly moving in and didnt look any better when mark landed a big porcipine fish....it was really quiet..hardly a touch on our frozen prawns and whitebait...a half hour passed and angie landed another porcipine fish!..not looking good:unsure:

the tide slowly picked up some pace and a few bait flickers here and there...i had only lobbed out a strip of pike and my new hyperloop ( thanx tim ;) )screamed...by the time i got to the rod the line was slack...then off it went again!..the pace of this fish scared me..i called it for many things, then the lizard came to veiw...no net handy i tried to lift it up and of course SNAP!:ohmy: ...the angry flatty thrashing bout on the rocks, mark and myself launch our selves down to the fish slipping all over the place..funny stuff as we were both lying all over the rocks pinning the fish down trying to get a good hold...we finally got a good hold and took a few pics..she went 60cm.....so a beer was called for after the excitment:) ...i managed another bream on some pike and mark the same..then we packed up and left...a quick hour or two spent with good mates..beats watching t.v

mark with his toady:P [img size=448]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/P9290053.JPG


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