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Golden Hat-trick at Big W!


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Some online conversations started about a mini Bass Social for a few of the boys to get out to share a laugh and a beer or two around the camp fire so a date was set and a plan hatched to have a quick session hunting Bass and then spend the afternoon trying to cull some noxious pests from the shore in the comfort of our camp chairs with the obligatory refreshments in the insulated drink holders ;)

Sweresy and I headed up to Big W early Saturday and drove through some very heavy rain… Reports about the rain clearing by lunch time and constant radar checks encouraged us to power on.

We arrived at the camp site and sat in the car for about an hour watching the rain and some very unhappy campers getting drenched whilst obviously hungover and packing up. We wandered around deciding what to do and having a flick from the shore as we could see a lot of surface action. Swersey was on the board first with his first Tilapia and on lure!


There was a slight break in the rain so the tent was set up in record time and we decided to put the boat in and have a fish in the wet weather gear and wait for the other stragglers to arrive. As we were heading out, most of the crew arrived and we powered on to have a quick session.

It was pretty slow with not much action on surface, deep-divers and spinner-baits until I decided to tie on a Mask Vibe. Then it was on!

Third or fourth cast and I was walloped! I was fishing pretty heavy so it was a fairly quick but spirited tussle and up came a very nice Yella!

This was quite funny as my first ever yella was on the exact same combo at Maroon 11 months ago. This one was just short of that PB and measured 42cm.


A quick pic and he was back on his way. Next cast… BANG! On again with another one but slightly smaller. He went back and I cast again and BANG! ON AGAIN!!!

A golden hat-trick of sorts. Sweresy was ecstatic at this stage and kept giving me words of encouragement. :lol: This third one was the best of the bunch at 43cm and had some great colours. It was a real ham too and loved getting his picture taken.


Sweresy had had enough and tied on a Mask Vibe (his new favourite lure) and I avoided a VERY long swim back to camp as he was on within a couple of casts. Phew!


The fish just seemed to stop biting and as the rain had stopped and we were drying out and feeling much better about the situation, we decided to head back to rehydrate and join the boys bait fishing from the shore. Heaps of little banded grunter and freshwater gar were caught and some were kept for a bit of a nibble and reduce the available food source as the Bass were obviously too well fed...

The sun was setting and we fired up the barbie and camp fire and made a night of it.

Lots of fun and laughs and great to catch up and hang out.


Some more pics…

Rob with a new PB!




On the way home, the trailer tyre blew… Good times!


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