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Bow lighting options?


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I am considering putting a light on the front of my boat to help spot pesky crab pots when I am leaving early in the mornings for trips in the bay and offshore.

Has anyone mounted a light on their bow? What brand and power rating would you reccomend?

I know that you aren't allowed to run it the whole time but the 1km or so i need it for should be fine.

Thanks, Jeremy.

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Rather have something a bit brighter Dean, the p7 lenser is ok but the beam doesn't spread far enough.

I had been looking at the light bars on ebay, not sure which one i could trust but they do have ample power and a few options for flood beam.

I was going to make up a bracket so that it bolts onto the rail up near the sprit and leave it on all the time. the less things i have to assemble on the boat when i got fishing the better.

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I've got a 27 watt LED flood light on the front of my boat. gives a nice wide and high pool of light.

Melts the hide off cane toads on the front lawn at 20m. I had bought 2 of them to put on, but one is more than enough, I reckon you could go a lot lower in wattage as well.

I have some small 9 watt ones I bought for the rear for backing down ramps etc at night, but I have not fitted them yet, so cant comment on the light they throw.

Mine is only an electric dam boat, so never planes. The light is more than enough for moving through the trees at night, coming in to ramps etc. It would certainly be more than enough to avoid pot floats etc. Dont know how the change in aspect from planing to chugging along would affect your lights setup.

I plan on leaving the light on most of the time I'm moving at night,. At least I'll see the tossers who charge about with no lights, and hopefully they cant miss seeing me !

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I am considering putting a light on the front of my boat to help spot pesky crab pots when I am leaving early in the mornings for trips in the bay and offshore.

Has anyone mounted a light on their bow? What brand and power rating would you reccomend?

I know that you aren't allowed to run it the whole time but the 1km or so i need it for should be fine.

Thanks, Jeremy.


I ran two similar units of the above link on the hard top of my boat pointed out at slight angles so you could still drive at night with them on. They worked perfectly for seeing crab pots and other obstructions in the water. The most handy they have been is in king tides in the brissy river, you could see the big motor destroying logs coming down the river at night.

Ensure you get the fully sealed units with the rubber frames, they seemed the best to me.

Good luck, you won't be disappointed.

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