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NPD - been a while.


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Ok its been a very long time since I did a trip report, but I suspect it might be safe to go back in the water again, so here it is, my first report in about 4 years......

Quiet day, bl@@dy hot on the water as well.

Meet up with Ray at the gate, grabbed some new pots he made for me, gave him back his chair which mysteriously made it in to my car at the Bluefin comp, and hit the water.

Tried the buoy for no luck for about an hour, moving around every 10 minutes or so, working each bit of structure in the vicinity.

Rang Ray, he was off the point, he had managed 5, but was working hard for them, so I applied the seagull principal and dashed over to give him a hand.

Tried a couple of spots, my GPS mark for one bite, which put me around a snag and disappeared. I then let out another 15 foot of anchor rope to get in a bit shallower, still no luck, was about to move again and scored a nice 45cm bass.


Went quiet and Ray and I decided to move over to the eastern marker, where we sat for an hour or so. Finally as we were about to call it quits I got a 40cm bass.


Ray moved back over to the marker buoy and I went cruising for some old snags that used to fish well years ago, but I couldn't find them, I suspect the floods had washed them away.


Moved back over to the buoy where Ray had got a couple, sat there for a while and decided to call it a day. Ray had left a little earlier so I was on my lonesome.

Went to fire up the three motors to head for home when I noted one of my back motors was down to 9.8 volts under load. Crap! dropped the load, 11.8 volts unloaded. Pulled that motor and used the other two to head for home. Checked the batteries on them and they were way down as well, ended up crawling back to the ramp at 3.5 to 4kph depending on the wind. (normal cruise speed is 5.3, 5.4kph) bank 2 down to 10.3 and bank 3 10.7 volts under load by the time I got to the ramp.

Rang Ray and asked to hang around in case I didn't make it, but thankfully I did. Big thanks to Ray for waiting an hour or so to make sure I got home ok.

Had initially thought I had lost a bank of batteries, but with the others very low as well I suspected something else. Got home, and you guessed it, my power board which feeds my battery chargers was missing, instead they were plugged in to this ugly looking thing that was broken. Discussion with children, - "oh yeah, our power board for the Xbox and TV died christmas eve so we swapped it with yours....... " (I fished christmas eve). So now I know how far my boat can go on one charge, 23k (with a wing and a prayer!) to the island and the far marker twice!

Note to self, always check charge lights come on in future when hooking batteries up at end of trip!

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