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Dodging the wind


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Hi Nog

Well done on the bass.

Is it hard to learn to fly fish and is it any harder in the kayak?



Damned if I do and damned if I don't will be my answer.

It's a learning curve like all things in life. Fly casting is something that getting help from a professional (or advanced caster) early, will pay you back in spades in the future.

I can't count how many times I've heard of guys buying a cheap combo then going to the park to teach themselves how to cast, then get pissed off when it doesn't come right after a few practise sessions.

All great fisherman need to practise casting. Carl Jacumsen (an Aussie on the US Bass circuit) has dedicated hours of time perfecting casting spinnerbaits, soft plastics into impossible spots. Just watch some of his flipping plastics under pontoons and you'll get my drift.

[video width=425 height=344 type=youtube]a_HPwYSjSiY

For your second question about casting from a yak, yes it is hard, because you are closer to the water the chance of hitting the water on the backcast increases (and duff a cast). You are also limited in the range of upper body movement, so that makes it a bit more of a challenge.

Trolling bores me to death, I'd rather read a good book IMHO :)


Norm (president Brisbane Fly Fishing Club)

P.S. The Club is always open to those who are curious James :)

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