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25-30kg Landbased Spanish @ inskip point


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Been a while since ive been online, just spent the last few months researching 4x4's and have ordered a new navara :woohoo:

Main reason for the ute is to do trips to fraser, moreton and of course to my second home, inskip point.

My good mate was up there a few weekends ago camping and i unfortunately turned down the offer and was pretty confident he wouldnt catch a thing, so i made a beer bet with him.... how wrong was I :sick:








Heres the detailed report, its a must read!


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Hahaha Lance,

Did Ash tell you that he was 200m up the beach dicking around trying to catch some Dart when we hooked up? And he only knew about it when we got some other beach goers to tell them as they drove past after we had already landed the thing!

Tugger, he only took maybe 100-150m of line off me and wasn't too much trouble, but then again the surf rod I was using isn't exactly your regular fibreglass alvey job.

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