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07 Jul 2014

Pew accused of using "fake" fishos in renewed push to close Coral Sea

THE US-based anti-fishing Pew organisation has been accused of using “fake†anglers to garner support for a push to create a massive lock-out zone in the Coral Sea.


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Interesting read and I agree a bit about having lock out areas to help sustain fish numbers. I don't agree with the content underneath 'most fishermen that I know are more sensitive about the environment than the general public'. You see it more and more, people going out and filling ice eskys with reef fish just cause they can.

Something needs to give

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I would agree with {'most fishermen that I know are more sensitive about the environment than the general public'}….’ They know the importance of protecting what we have,’….. All fishos who I know and those I fish with, are!

if you overlook the very low number of fishers` who don`t give a care about regulations, and who couldn`t give 2 thoughts about the care or state of the fisheries/environment, or why there are regulations in place, the majority are aware of the surroundings that they fish in and are sensitive to the needs of those environments. Many of the first concerns of degradation in areas are felt and raised by environmentally aware fishos’.

How many active,city/urban dwelling non fishing general public get their weighted ‘environmental views’ from media outlets that seem committed to pushing the political agendas of ‘rabid green’ organisations.

How many of those,seem unable to stand back and realise that lock outs here and locks out there, for the sake of ‘lock outs’ does not equate to replenishment/restoration of areas that are deserts in the marine environment.

Quote { You see it more and more, people going out and filling ice eskys with reef fish just cause they can.}….

With the cost of fuel, maintainence, ice, bait and the limited number of days each year that the weather restricts the off-shore boaties to, you would think those filling their eskies could afford to buy an esky bigger than a 25 litre one, the bait for the trip would take up half the 25 litre esky. :lol:

having learnt from the bad times of the 1970s 80s and 90s, rape of the northern hemispheres and African fisheries, we do live in a country that does have good fisheries and regulations/policies in place that do get adjusted when necessary, whether one agrees or not.

When one looks at:

1+ billion, of the worlds` 6+ billion population rely solely on the oceans for their protein source.

19+ million tonnes of industrial fish (for non-food purposes) is harvested per year, this fish is caught for uses such as fishmeal for livestock feed, fish oil and fertilizers etc.

plus 7.2+ million tonnes of wild fish is harvested to be used in aquaculture as direct feed each year

plus 2.5+ million tonnes of wild fish harvested globally by the global (pet) cat food industry each year.In Australia pet cats consume an average of 13.7 kilograms of fish per year, this exceeds the annual per capita consumption of 11 kilograms of fish and seafood consumed by the Australian human population…..

These fish are taken from the building blocks of the food chain that supports the global fisheries, as well as marine mammals and other animal life that rely on our ocean fisheries.

I think I can see where sustainability could be a problem…. I don`t think locking up the environmentally minded rec fishos areas is the solution to this….

Bottom line is…. opinions are like what we sit on, most have one… :)

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