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The "Should have Stayed at Home" Report


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Well it's been about 6 weeks since I've been able to take the boat out due to weekend commitments. So this been the first weekend free, took the chance, to do the Caboolture river nice and early yesterday. The idea was as well the try a few new spots and as I still had plenty of fuel.

Got to the boat ramp pre-dawn so I could pump Yabbies. With the recent rain the mozzie's were thick....... soup thick. So jumped back in the boat........ NO AEROGARD!!!!. So 4:30am phone call to my partner to run me out some from Warner went down great (NOT).

Managed to pump enough, had a fish for a bit and put 4 pots out to see what was happening. After a quick fish checked the pots for 4 sandies, and put them right up a creek to see if any muddies were out due to the rain.

Did my scout up the river for an hour to burn off the older fuel, and headed back to the pots for a check.

I got to the first pot dropped at the end of the creek and the motor just snuffed out. I though ah, must have run out of fuel in the main tank, Popped the cap and there was still about 10L or so left. Popped the cowl of the motor and looked at fuel filter, it's full of particles and the fuel's brown, not good.

As I got to get up to get some tools, I've slipped over and sliced the bottom of my foot open. Shit again, looked for the first aid kit, I must have forgotten to put it back in. So a bit of rag and some fowl language I'm on my feet again.

Grab the tools & Pumped the fuel line and fuels coming back out the carb. So the carbs blocked and the fuels shit, and I'm literately up shit creek with some crappy paddles.

Managed to slowly paddle my way back out of the creek, collecting my pots on the go. As I got to the channel I was lucky enough that the tide was running out and the wind was with it too, so I was lucky enough to sail back with the tide. It was a quite day and I wasn't able to run into anyone for a tow.

So today's lessons, No Aerogard, No First Aid Kit, Bad Fuel.

Today I've managed to strip down the carb and clean it out. The motor had also fowled up, so it took a couple of spark plugs to get going again.

At least I've got 4 crabs....................... Bitter sweet victory there.

Hopefully with a bit more rain the Muddies should start to fire up

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That's no good Callum,

Do you have a fuel filter/water separator other than the motor's filter? It's a good investment if you don't have one.

I could have given you a tow if you were in the Pine. I think you have my number, if you get in trouble again give me a call, I could be out there.

I'm not trying to rub salt into the wound but it was not really worth a report on its own. First mud crab session for this season and we got 1 legal with one close but no close enough.


I was going to wait for the rain but best to clear the freezer of some bait.

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Wow - now that's an action packed session of a different kind!! Laughed my head off about the aeroguard phone call - used it as crucial evidence to my wife to show that I'm not that bad after all ...........

I had a marginally better trip last night out at Fisho Island. Got there about 8pm so an absolutely howling wind. Hmmmm. Went over the the top of the rockwall to look at the water - hmmm, might be OK. Back to the boat. Wind is really howling. Back to look at the water. Should I go home? Won't be able to go out near the mouth to either the pipeline (well, could have but wouldn't have been a real wise decision) or the sunken wall. Ah bu66er it, I"m here, I'll stay in the passage, be half a chance at some crabs and perhaps catch something on livies.

Head off and motor stops running about a minute later - WTF, the fuel hose has disconnected. Remember the motor didn't want to turn off when I ran it at home that arvo so I disconnected the hose, so start looking at the end of it and wondering whether I had broken a part off the bigger hole. Fastforward to back home today and realise there was just a bit of corrosion built up where the hose attaches to the motor which was stopping it getting snug enough for the clip to catch on and secure it.

So ..... every two minutes I had to chuck the motor in neutral and reattach it to get fuel flowing. Made setting and collecting the pots fun, and cast netting for bait. Anchored up not far from the bridge and boat proceeded to swing around on anchor - stuck at it anyway in vain hope, collected the pots and went home.

Us fishermen are mad!!!!

P.S. Hope this helps you feel slightly better :)

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Just purchased a new PERMANENT first aid kit for a boat, and I'll be installing a new up front fuel tank this week.

Can't believe how hard it is to buy 5m of fuel hose locally, they either don't have enough or it's the wrong type. So i've ordered some off eBay (half the price too)

Off to inskip for the weekend, so boat's out of action again to next weekend.

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