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Surface Bassing - Last fish in Australia


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I can say for certain that this will be my last aussie bass report for the next 4 and a half weeks :( I managed to get out for another quick session yesterday but this time in the creek. On my last session out with Joe he very kindly gave me a few of his favourite surface lures that he thought I would like (Thanks again Joe, they are absolutely fantastic)!!!

I started out with an OSP bent minnow and it really did slay some bass :P On my second cast I was getting boils and swirls and then the water erupted!!! This fish was pretty big for this system and ran me into the logs below so after a quick swim into the creek to retrieve the lure I was back fishing again. Even after swimming into the hole I still managed to get hits! I think I ended up with 8 big hits and landed 2 bass except I gave them a quick release when pulling them up the bank :pinch: After getting another bass on the bent minnow I changed to a megabass dog-x junior. I was really impressed with how well it worked and it was really easy to get the 'walk the dog' action! On my last cast for the day the water erupted with 2 solid hits and I finally had a small bass at my feet!



It was great to finish with a fun topwater session! Don't catch too many bass while I'm away guys :P


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Haha! You're a quick learner on working those lures James. Well done!

When you return from the States, try them on the crack of dawn or at sunset. You will get more hits and your hookup rate will improve because its breakfast and dinner time.

Have a great holiday with your family and return home safe.

Cheers... Joe.

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You will need 4 years advance on your pocket money for your visit to a Bass Pro shop.

Wish you and the whole family a pleasant non eventful trip.



Thanks Ray! We will definitely enjoy the holiday and I know that I will be filling my suitcase with lots of lures and gear :evil: I've been saving up a lot of my birthday and christmas money etc so I can stock up on plenty of lures for the future!


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