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Homemade Tuna Stickbaits


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Well it's been far too long since I've had the time for a fish but I have had a spare hour here and there to make a few lures. I've been playing around with making tuna lures for a while now and these are the first finished ones and I'm pretty happy with how they have come up. I started off by shaping the timber and adding weights into the lures. After that the lures were sealed multiple times, then painted and epoxied. Here's a few photos of the process as well as some finished photos and a video as well. I've also purchased some casting resin and silicon, so in the next few weeks I'll be making a 'master' lure so I can pour some! Very keen to start that!



Weight holes added...


Sanded into shape



Primer stage


Once they have been painted and epoxied they rotate on a lure dryer I made for about 2 hours. This stops the epoxy from sitting in the one spot.


Final Product!


Here's a video showing their action. Now it's holidays I can finally fish again :woohoo:



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Your mother told me you had your head in your books, lure making books.


Hahaha. These were all made last holidays and painted a few days ago after I finished my exams. It's good to have all my exams completed now! NPD tomorrow!


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They look AWESOME James - gotta be happy with that outcome!!! What did you put into the weight holes - melted lead?

Yeah just lead. Just bashed a few sinkers into the right shape (melting them would have been way easier but I didn't have the equipment!). Forgot to mention the weight and size of them... 60grams and 110mm long.


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