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Hinze Western Arm 2/5/16


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Arrived at new opening time at 6.30 to find that around 12 people had already launched.

As i still had some shrimp left from last trip we went straight to Ians island where we caught 14 bass before the barred grunter moved in so we then went over to where some of our shrimp pots were to find 4 yaks and canoes fishing in the area. When I approached our pots they all dispersed and surprise surprise all pots were completely empty.( Wonder if they are the same mongrells who have been slashing/and stealing pots from NPD)

Fortunately i split my pots over 2 areas and the second six had not been touched.

We ended up with 56 bass and 4 tandans before running out of bait.

Who knows what the tally would have been if the first 6 pots had not been ratted.?

Cameron was the tandan king catching all 4 ..

Only 4 bass under 30cm with all the rest over 35 and majority over 40cm.P5020444.JPGP5020445.JPGP5020448 (640x480).jpgP5020449.JPGP5020446.JPG And Cameron spent the day progressivly updating his pb.P5020452.JPG

This one of Ricks was too big to fit into photo.:)

Great day out good company and plenty of laughs.













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I was just in the middle of putting up a report, was a good morning. Quite obvious someone had been into the pots half were empty and the other half of the pots around the corner were all full, pretty low of them I hope they catch nothing but barred grunter on any shrimp they may have taken. 

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