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Jenny Lind Creek...


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Had a really cool adventure up just north of 1770 over the weekend.

Went to a Camp Site called "1770 CASTAWAY". Usually a base for backpackers our goal was to fish the creek for mixed species that do not get hit a lot. We wanted to get a few crabs as well while we there. To cut a long story short both these goals were realized with plenty of Queenies bagged along with a lot of other species. Crabs were plentiful with 8 or 9 being in most pots. Even after the Jenny's were released it was at least a couple of crabs each as a side for dinner each night :)

The trip started off with us flying in small 4 seater landing on the beach. Needless to say this was a great novelty and scoping out the area from the air was an awesome to start things off.


Within 5 minutes of being there Damo landed a 63cm flathead right out front of camp..


From then on it was dribs and drabs of fish the day and a half we fished. Plenty of queenies and random stuff not pictured but you get the idea. The only picture I do not have that I wish I had got was a solid jack. Truth me told I cannot claim this as it self released as it was being lifted into the boat (oh for a landing net) but I was happy I hooked and fought it none the less.


Even the whiting were agressively hitting lures.

Check the size of the fish vs popper on @Damien2Rad's set up!


The other huge highlight was the crabs. Man we put in the most half arsed effort and ate like kings. If you actually checked the pots and moved them more than once a day I cannot even fathom it! As the pictures suggest we even caught a few on lures or even just picked them up...


I can honestly say it was a cool thing as well to be bringing home a big feed of fish and crabs every evening as well for the backpackers staying there. Backpackers come and go each day with the flights and make great drinking buddies. I cannot recommend this experience enough for younger fishermen out there who want to do the travel thing, but still have a passion for some quality fishing. 


The camp grounds themselves are just awesome. A large camp kitchen exists with bench tables and cooking facilities that make camp life easy. Further more there are permanent tents erected on decks. This means for an angler all you need to pack is a change of clothes (optional) and fishing gear (not optional). If you are into bait fishing cast nets are available and the yabby banks are thick. The schools of large whiting we saw swimming around were amazing and I would actually love to go back for longer and have a relaxing afternoon with a beer and soak a yabby. Extra nights are really easy and cheap to organise as well.

Overall justa  cool experience. Would be an amazing place for an AFO social (sleeps 32 in tents) or just a trip for anglers out there!

There website is:  www.1770castaway.com.au  for anyone interested.




This is a picture of us dragging our boats through the far upper reaches of one creek to get into the top of another...


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15 minutes ago, samsteele115 said:

Cool trip! Potentially could be stopping into places like that on a cape road trip I have planned next year... Those little polycrafts look hilarious. Would be fun to fish out of

Mate they are insanely stable. Fishes two standing up no worries.

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9 hours ago, kmcrosby78 said:

Cool trip there Angus and Damien - how big are those crabs!!!  I've never caught a queenfish but from memory there are a couple of different types - are those ones the 'usual' one or a different type?  They look deeper.

Not sure on that one mate. I thought they were standard queenies.

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7 hours ago, christophagus said:

that looks awesome, well priced too. a social there could be cool

Yeah I reckon a social on the other side of Winter would be a goer.

I think we learnt enough from this one to do a lot better as well.

We tried fishing the out tide in the skinny but kept having to back over placed we just motored through. Think heading up the creeks a bit stealthier on the incoming would be the go and I would plan my trip around that.

A low tide in the morning coming in all day would also ensure more time on the first day as the plane can only land on the beach at low so the flights must be planned around that.


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