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What A Weekend Wow.more Pics


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You a probably sick of all the pics from the tagging weekend, but look out as here comes a few more. Saturday morning Luke was first to hook up to a bass on the trusty flickershad, a few minutes later my first fish for the day was a nice 55cm toga. Oh forgot to mention I got bogged while launching, thought Ihad engaged 4 wheel drive but I hadnt, so had to get towed out, very embarrassing.

Back to the fishing or the lack of it, I wanted to take Luke on a tour of parts of the dam we never get to fish, only trouble was the bass were scarce in these areas, so by lunch time we were only up to about 40 bass. We then moved down to more productive areas where the numbers quickly improved.

Sunday after I launched the boat and we were standing around waiting for the starting time Luke decided to have a cast from beside the boat, I thought thats not a bad idea, but it was because I got a 35cm bass and it jumped in my hand and put one of the treble hooks past the barb into my finger, it took all my strength and 2 attempts to get it out.:no::no:.

Back to the fishing, we got to the spot from the arvo before and we were in to the bass right away, we made a few small moves up until just after lunch before moving right back to close to the ramp to finish up, it was great to get cricket scores both days for the weekend.













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3 hours ago, bersim said:

It's great that the weekend was such a success.  Good date planning by you I think!  Might have to get myself one of those nories wasabi spoons.  Also very cool to see how many toga were caught!

We should be fishing down to the powerlines now.



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