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New To Squid Fishing/ Jigging


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Hi im new to squid fishing/ jigging.

Just wanting to where to go squidding as i live on the southside of brisbane in waterford? and what colour jigs work the best for squid? and the best time to go? E.g summer or winter? Day time or night? If anyone could help or can take me squidding when ever is the right time to go would be greatly appreciated

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Hey FH69,

I'm not too in with the colours of jigs to use. I've found different colours on different days in different waters work... so I say just buy one of each :D

Time to go? Winter is better than summer, night time is better than day but you'll still get squid around the bay during the year anytime. Just not in numbers.

Where to go? the wynnum foreshore is the easiest for landbased anglers. For a boatie, anywhere you find weedbeds throughout the bay is worth a throw.


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It can be pretty easy to get a feed of squid once you get the basics right.

The clearer waters of winter is best for squid in the bay shallows, murky water they just dont seem to be around in any sort of numbers.

Day or night will produce but apparently night time with a powerful head torch is the ducks nuts if you are landbased.

A variety of coloured jigs is the way to go and just change until you find what colour works best on the day

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All the information above is very correct, so I won't repeat it. The only other things I would say in my opinion are run-in tide is generally favourable, as it is the cleaner tide, along with a bright moon. In general, squid are sight hunters, who like cover and contrast to ambush their prey. Anything that doesn't help them see and ambush their prey, and you probably won't find many squid. Top spots on the northside are Shorncliffe pier, Woody point, and if you're in a boat, Otter Rock.

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