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Vermin Day NPD 21/1/17


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We went upstream to look for tilapia but only found a hunter.bang.JPG

Should have done the dirty on him and rang the cops but reckoned it would have been to much hassle for us.

The bridge is well and truly out of the water.

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Mark spotted a rope hanging in a tree and after a bit of a struggle retrieved a rusty,smelly anchor and chain.

We tried several places for a tilly but nothing doing so we decided that the target species was now bass and tried the drop opposite the end of Koala straight and guess what.?DSCN0758 (640x480).jpg

And they were hungry.filled up the bucket in no time and they were soon overflowing onto the floor.

Mark took a couple of black bass home but all the tilapia were chucked in the bin at Kurwongbah near the wash down area,




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