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Blakesley's Social: Food Allocations


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Hey team.

Spoke to Tugger and I starting this thread to work out the Saturday night feast.

Please nominate what you could do and Tugger and experienced crew please weigh in on what we might need for those that are not sure.

I will edit this thread as we go.

So far I know:

@Angus: Beet Root salad (I will make this chunky and big).

@Drop Bear: Leg of venison for the spit and mead.

@Tony Harper : 2kg carrots and wood.

@nathanr: Smoker and chicken.

Tom Rose: Chicken

@tugger: camp oven butter scotch pudding.

@Tybo : chook and potatoes

@kmcrosby78 : potatoes garlic breads wood.

@aussie123 : peas and beans, pavlova and cream.


Really looking forward to this weekend.



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We need some veges to roast so with numbers we will need 3kg of spuds a whole pumkin and 2kg of carots, if 1 person could bring 1 of each of those veges that would be great.


I will do desert with my world famous camp oven baked butterscotch pudding topped of with custard.


We will need a few chooks to roast on the spit if someone could bring a chook each and keep them under 2kg around the 1.6 to 1.8kg is ideal.

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14 hours ago, tugger said:

The more wood the better

I will bring a bin full of wood too then, I have heaps at home.


2 hours ago, Drop Bear said:

Will there be room on the spit for the Venison Leg or should I bring mine over? Just trying to minimize gear but can bring one.

I will try to work out gear and what we can fit Robbie. I tow the boat with my ute, so taking gear won't be a problem, it's just getting it over there and having room to fish in the morning. If need be, we can leave stuff like firewood in the tray(it's covered) and do a run back to get it later on Saturday afternoon.

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1 hour ago, Drop Bear said:

The other thing is I can take my tinny over so as to not fill you up with stuff and then leave it at the campsite and deckie with you.

Whatever is easiest for you Robbie, I don't mind. I'll work out what I'm taking, see how much space there is in the boat and take it from there. Even if we have to do a run straight over there first thing in the morning to unload, then head out I don't mind. It's the crab pots that are the awkward item that takes up the room, once they're in the water it's happy days.

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2 hours ago, samsteele115 said:

@timtam_ pick up some of these items for us in the morning when you shop? k thanks! :D 

Actually would you be able to pick up a tub of coleslaw as well? No dramas if not, I just forgot this arvo and am now home with the boat hooked up.  Excitement is building - feel 'slightly' guilty about how happy I am to be at home without any kids ....... :) See everyone tomorrow.

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12 minutes ago, kmcrosby78 said:

Actually would you be able to pick up a tub of coleslaw as well? No dramas if not, I just forgot this arvo and am now home with the boat hooked up.  Excitement is building - feel 'slightly' guilty about how happy I am to be at home without any kids ....... :) See everyone tomorrow.

No probs :)

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On 2/24/2017 at 8:37 PM, Salt Shaker said:

Boerewors lol. Where do you get it from?

Or are you South African and make your own?


I think this is them.... But the website doesn't have them in Carindale. They are behind the KFC and next to Subway on Old Cleveland Rd about 1km east of the shopping center. 

Not South African but I have a lot of mates who are.

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