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First Kayak Session - Noosa River


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Well, I've finally got my kayak wet!!  Bought a Scupper Pro very cheaply off Gumtree 3-4 years ago, didn't use it and ended up buying a Prowler 13 (very cheaply off Gumtree ... :)) and sold the Scupper Pro for a profit :) Have had the Prowler sitting dormantly for over 2 years and finally added what I wanted to it - sounder, rod holder extenders, 360 degree rod holder, anchor trolley - in time to take it on this trip to Noosa.

Took it down to the river yesterday (we're staying in Noosaville about 150-200m from the water (need to pump the trolley tyres up, was quite tiring lugging it down the road ...). Managed to take off without tipping over (good start!!) and took off to the north shore of the river in rather windy conditions. Did the loop around Goat Island, picking up my first yak based fish, a 37cm flattie (no photo unfortunately because the wind kept blowing me towards/into the mangroves and everything was a bit wet ....). in front of a drain on the incoming tide - will have to get back there on a falling tide.

No other hits but fun had all the same and keen to more - will be good for my shoulder that's had a full reco. Was also pleasantly surprised at the back support my seat has - my back plays up and it felt fine the whole time (about 2 1/2 hours) which is a good sign.

Oh and I almost got to Noosa with only a kayak and no paddle, twice ......... at home my wife was about to help me put it onto the Pajero and asked where the paddle was (down the back carport on it's holder because I knew if I left it with all the gear beside the car the arvo before my 2yr old George would have played with it ...... I think there's a chance I wouldn't have thought of it if she hadn't said anything ......). And then 10 minutes from our destination the bungee chord holding the paddle to the kayak came undone (I only had one tie down strap securing it) and one end of the paddle tilted down the side of the car, clanging into the window (I thought it was my son tapping on the window ....) so luckily it didn't happen on the highway.

Hopefully a few more sessions in it before we leave on Sunday. Would like to take it to Lake Weyba (or Lake Weyba Creek), Noosa Sound/Woods Bay to look for tailor/trevally and the Frying Pan to explore.


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I launch from Lions park beach, on the other side of the bridge from the Sofitel. 

If I'm lucky there are no over nighters parked at the end in front of the toilet block and its a short distance to launch. Tap there to hose off after too. 

If paddling is too much for you, park at woods bay. Left into Hastings st and go nearly to the mouth. Turn left at the toilet block and park right at the end. Take your yak down the path straight into woods bay #2. 

Theyve been mostly biting in first bay toward the mouth amongst the boats. 

Might see you out there !

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Cheers for the info regarding launch points Luke, appreciated. I'm going to fish Lake Weyba Creek tomorrow lunchtime while the kids are sleeping and then do Woods Bay, Sound, Frying Pan (probably) on Friday and Sat mornings. Let me know if you'll be out Fri or Sat morning and how you get on tomorrow - good luck!!

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Hooooorayyyy on the water at last. That's one big kayak, for one big unit.:worship:

Christening it on your first trip is a bonus. I find after 2 hrs in the yak I like to stretch the legs because my hips hurt from the position where my feet rest. If you're getting 2.5 hrs and back feels fine it must be comfortable. 

Look forward to the next 3 reports:)

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Cheers fellas, yeah a fish was a good bonus and confidence booster (thought it was a snag at first, until it started running for the mangroves ....). Was good to have a practice at landing and dealing with a fish - thought it would be tricky and it is. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get to practice twisting around and dispatching a bigger one into the cooler bag :) 

Yeah it's not small Wayne - haven't put it on the roof by myself yet but will be fine, just a bit awkward. It powers through the water well and seems well balanced so very happy with the purchase and the comfort. Need to get a little dry bag or pouch for my phone - had it in the sealed compartment in front of me yesterday but everything was a bit wet and with the chop and wind thought I'd better not risk it for an undersized flattie ;)

I'll put some more photos up when I get home next week - came up with a removable option for the sounder which has a few benefits.

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2 hours ago, Dinodadog said:

Good start, I like to have my rods in front of me so I can see whats going on and you dont have to keep screwing around all the time.



Cheers Dino - I have a rotatable one in front of me which I used when trolling. From FreakSports and seems to work well.

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On 4/6/2017 at 3:54 AM, Dinodadog said:

I like to have my rods in front of me so I can see whats going on and you dont have to keep screwing around all the time.

Hey Dino. I have a rod holder ready to go onto my yack. Do you have any tips on where to place them? I don't want them to effect paddle stroke and... I'm worried if I surf a wave in and the yak stops it might smash me in the.... um.

It would be great to have it ready for Wolli at easter. 

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Fell asleep on the couch in the dying minutes of the footy last night ...... woke up and went to bet at 2am ...... took the kids to Noosa Main Beach this morning and caught plenty of waves (and turned the neck left and right a bit .... ;)) so taking the lazy option and relaxing on the couch watch the races this arvo (go Winx!!) before taking the kids down for a fish and play at the river this arvo so no more yakking for this trip (we head home tomorrow).

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Yeah pretty quiet for us too Luke. Nothing doing until probably around 5am and then small amount of scattered surface action for perhaps 45 mins but they were either too far away or we'd just cast out when they popped up ....  Cody and Di got a trevally each and Di a decent flattie and a scored a nice tasty donut ...... :)  Cody had some tailor follow and take a few swipes at his surface walker but unfortunately they didn't hook up.

Very enjoyable all the same and very thankful to @Cody for the deckie spot and his sharing of plastics knowledge (I'm a rookie) and the lay of the land of Woods Bay.

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