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Straddie Bread & Butter


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Well the weather really mucked the fishing around for our family holidaybat Straddie. I had planned on doing a lot of fishing off the point for kings but strong South Easterly winds combined with solid swell wiped out this option.

Still with other areas suiting the South east we were forced into fishing the bread and species. Fishing times were a bit limited with access to our spots only really being accessible at the lower ends of the tide. The first couple of days were the hardest but the bad weather seemed to push a few tailor in...


However the tailor left as fast as they came and it was back to basics using typical light plastics techniques to raise a bite. For the plastic sceptics dad fished with and we fished next to many other guys using all sorts of bait fresh and otherwise who caught nothing. Small 2 inch plastics accounted for bream, moses, dart, trevally, flathead and other randoms... 








Higight for me was this pig of a bream. I have caught longer bream but this thing was thick! Massive workout on the 1000 size reel...


Oh I apologize there was one decent bait caught fish.  Dad got this spotted hine on light gear using fresh worm... Gave a massive work out!


Other massive highlights were epic sunrises and plenty of beach time with the wee lad.


Good times...


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27 minutes ago, timtam_ said:

Love it. Very surprising to see a dart take a Flanker...!!? What kind of retrieve did you employ?

Very twitchy... although not always we go through phases of getting a lot of dart on chrome. Depends what bait is around. They are very predatory at times.

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16 hours ago, kmcrosby78 said:

Cracking fish and variety there Angus - you've obviously got the place well-sussed to turn up results like that it less than ideal conditions. Great photos too :)

Mate sussed we have it but it is always a location that throws you. My strongest bit of advice is be versitile.

Take this last trip... i had been planning for weeks to target kings and if the cliffs were not accessible then Easter is generally when the big dart come in. Well the cliffs were a write off and the dart have not shown up this year. We did get 3 average dart but this time of year usually sees us get dozens of large ones.

On the flip side I would not have expected tailor at all and def not bream as thick and large as they were. We caught A LOT of bream that are not pictured with the camera only coming out for fish over 30cm. 

Anyway... We learn something each and every time but I think that is what keeps me going back!



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