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Macks (and Dolphins ...) Are In The Bay


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Real quick report just to let everyone know that a heap of birds were working in the centre of the bay yesterday, with spotties and I'm pretty sure some tuna surfacing here and there. I trolled a spoon with a paravane all around the Hope Banks area in amongst a heap of birds, who I think were getting as frustrated as I was trying to keep up with the fish. At one stage they popped up right next to me and I had a real dilemma whether to continue trolling the spoon along the edge of the school or stop and cast a slug. I opted for the former, possibly wrongly, and was devastated when I didn't get a hit and the school popped back down again (I then threw a slug in the area but I think they were moving rather fast).

Continued on, with birds spread out basically all through the section between Green Island and Harries and south, some not too far out from Wellington Point. I decided to stop near where a school had been up north of the Hope Banks, throw some cubed pillies in the water and one down on some gangs, while throwing a slug. Hooked up on the slug first cast, just as I'd noticed some fish go under on the sounder, but somehow it snapped my braid (20lb), I think at the leader knot, so not sure if my braid needs replacing (it did knot a couple of times when casting while on holiday down south so might be time).

Was meeting the wife and kids back on the western side of Wello Pt at 5:30pm to take them for a quick fish so unfortunately was time to go right as I felt I was getting closer to success, so started flying in that direction but as expected, came across another school within a few hundred motors and just had to troll a spoon again quickly. Stopped to throw a slug, with no luck, then tried to start trolling the spoon again but the paravane off in the distance wouldn't go back down, so started winding it in by hand, trying to get it to bite back into the water. As it got closer, I noticed a dolphin swimming behind it and started to wonder if it was amused/attracted by the paravane. As it got closer again, I started to wonder if it was interested in the spoon .......... Then as I lifted the paravane out of the water (with the dolphin still hovering ....) and grabbed the leader to wind it in, I realised I had a fish on ......... ahah, that's why the dolphin was hovering - can only suspect that I hooked the mackerel just before I stopped trolling.  Just legal at about 53 cm (photo later when I have time :)).

Fishing with the family was quiet despite the burley and it almost being dark, until I hooked a large stingray right as we were thinking about packing up, much to my wife's pleasure as the fight took a while and it was dark once we managed to subdue it ...... :) The boys loved the experience though so it's all good.

Collected my 4 pots from the Wello Pt dropoff in 7m of water (which was fun with not great conditions, no headlamp and a cr@ppy torch - note to self, buy a new one ...) and had lots of crabs in the pots but only one keeper.

Going to have to get out again next weekend and try to get my first bay spottie.

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An entertaining day, if not that productive. Would have been nice to know you had a fish on when playing with the dolphin :lol:.

My wife only came to understand why I was always late from fishing when I started to take her and she learnt what it can be like.

You got one more crab than Steve and I got the other day :(


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Quick pic of the bycatch ....... I might need @Old Scaley's help to locate the better models ....... :whistle:



Steve I'll keep you in the loop regarding a trip out there. Next weekend isn't looking great which may turn into a blessing for me because I re-hurt my right shoulder holding George up on the bus on the way to the cricket last night ..... off to the physio tomorrow. Had it before - might actually have to try to do some exercises to help negate it/fix it this time, rather than just getting rid of the pain and returning to normal routines ...... :) 

@Drop Bear did you get out yesterday?

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1 hour ago, kmcrosby78 said:

@Drop Bear did you get out yesterday?

No. It got messy. I took Grandma and Grandpa Drop Bear out for a spin around the Port.

Pretty cool. They love Quampie. There was a really cool ship carrying ship. It sinks itself and the large ships drive into the belly. Border Force were there in a cool un-marked stabicraft. They gave themselves away by having a massive radar on the little boat. 

I have been sewing up all my crab pots and hope to get out tomorrow. But with the wind will probably stay pretty close to shore. 

Nice little grinner :)

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