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SP's at Shultz


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Had a few hours of \"nothing time\" this afternoon while Jack's at Schoolies (till next sat), so Dad drove me over to Shultz for a couple of hours of flicking lures. Was greeted with the top of the tide and my SX40's weren't getting down deep enough. So I changed to a soft plastic. I used a 1/16oz TT jighead with a 1/0 hook on a Gulp! 3\" Minnow in Rainbow.

Within a few casts I managed to catch my first ever Bream on a soft plastic and he went 24cm:woohoo: . Let him go and moved on. 2 casts later, I got a strike while the lure was sinking and missed it:unsure:

This continued for a while of getting strikes and missing them until I landed my 3rd ever Flattie on a soft plastic. He went 31.5cm. Let him go and continued further down stream. I put a cast over a good looking spot and had a big hit from a suspected 30cm Bream. But he got off:( .

Much later I was dowwn at a creek mouth with lots of structure and first cast I had something take the lure and scream off 8m of line. He stopped for 1/10 of a second and took off again, except this time the hook pulled:( . I think it would have been a 40cm Mangrove Jack or a big, big Bream or Cod. But I'm nearly certain it was a Jack considering where it came from and how it fought.

After that nothing much except for continous strikes from little fish. All up I only caught 2 fish, but I hooked and dropped 5 or 6 more. Next time I use soft plastics, I'm going to use a stinger hook to increase my hook up rate.

Still a great way to spend an afternoon and it was my first time using soft plastics at Shultz. I'll use them more often now:cheer: . Pics to follow

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Nice work buddy. I would have thought all the rain would have shut Shultz down. I'm down at my parent's now and there's fresh all through my usual spot. So we're taking the kayak inland tomorrow morning for some small water wild bass fishing!

I'll have to try Shultz again soon. I like the look of Nudgee creek too. Have you tried there? I mean the other creek a little further North from shultz?

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I was thinking the same thing about Shultz and the rain. Usually it does shut down after rain. Maybe they havn't had much rain there or something:unsure:

I tryed Nudgee Ck a long time ago (5-6 years ago) when I had no idea of how to fish. We did alright there and I've seen reports on AFO of decent Flathead, Cod, Bream and Tailor caught there. I'm gonna have to get back there soon.

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we should get a few of us together and make a day of it. I think if you drive right up to the end of nudgee road and follow it around to the left you can get out and walk to the mouth of Nudgee creek. I haven't been there yet but I read a report of Tim's saying he got Taylor there on Poppers! My new favorite lure ;)

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Thanks guys. Those were the first fish that I have caught at Shultz since the school holidays (6-7 weeks ago). We have never done too well on the very top of the tides with hard bodies (either side of it is fine) so from now on, I'll be using soft plastics nearly every trip.

I just wish I could have landed that big one:(

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Nah wasn't a Cattie. I've caught them before on lures and they didn't fight any thing like that.

When I say it rested, it only stopped for 0.1 seconds or less. Barely stopped at all. And the hit was on the run. Smashed the plastic. Also there was no slime on the leader:lol:

Oztrav: Because it's only the half moon the tides and current were pretty small. The full tide barely made it up the bank. Usually it covers alot of the land.

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