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Saved By The Bell


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A quite morning made good at the last minute. Started off very slow with a couple trolling flickashads and then put in a thousand casts to the edges for very few fish.I had been hitting up a lot of back alleys and was in the last alley when I noticed a big round blob on the bottom under the boat in 10ft of water,so to investigate I quickly put down 2 shrimp rigs,well hell broke loose, first one rod buckled over, then the other rod.First up came the blob which was a whopper yella, next was another whopper a 51cm bass.Well the scowl finally left my mouth and I was able to get a smile on the dial again.Managed 21 bass and the one yella,so a lousy day turned around at the last minute.











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With sounders, I started out with my sounder years a go, with my settings on fish ID. After awhile I could pick a yellabelly couple on the bottom, by a small symbol for the male and a big one for the female,and on several occasions I would catch one on bait and the  mate would come up with it, if my reflex's were better I could of had 2 for the price of one.:fishing:😜

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