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I am back.


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I have been away for a fortnight and what a difference to the site.

1900 members and looks like will be 2000 for the comp.

New DPI news.

30 odd teams registered for comp. ( Grown from around 6).

FABTASTIC prizes to be won. ( not a misprint a new word that I just invented)

It is going to take me a week to catch up on all the recent posts.

I have fowarded the latest fishhead mewsletter to the people who are on my address book of anyone else wants a copy send me a pm with your email address. They are having a free seminar on catching longtail tuna in the bay next wednesday night but you have to register by monday.

Catch up with you all later got to go and watch the election results.

Brought back 4 litres of highland park back with us and throat too sore with the flu to have a drink. Ah Sh!t gunna to have one anyhow.



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