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Brisbane River Saturday Sunday


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Myself and afo member lukey went on saturday morning. I got a good sized tailor on a popper. We went to boggy creek and used live and dead bait but only ended up with a massive stingray and a rather large cattie. Also had a big run on a live mullet but missed the hook up. There was too much pressure on the rod and i couldn,t get it out of the rod holder to set the hook. All i got back was a whole dead mullet which had been totally scaled!

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Mark80 wrote:

Also had a big run on a live mullet but missed the hook up. There was too much pressure on the rod and i couldn,t get it out of the rod holder to set the hook. All i got back was a whole dead mullet which had been totally scaled!

Sounds like a Threadfin to me. Would have been a good sized one as well.

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Cowfish13 wrote:

Mark80 wrote:
Also had a big run on a live mullet but missed the hook up. There was too much pressure on the rod and i couldn,t get it out of the rod holder to set the hook. All i got back was a whole dead mullet which had been totally scaled!

Sounds like a Threadfin to me. Would have been a good sized one as well.

Thats what we were thinking cowfish. We were spewing coz we were hunting threadies. Did you see that dude getting towed around the mouth of the brissie river by something for about 30 minutes or so on saturday morning?? We saw him back at the boat ramp, he was holding a metre plus threadie. It was a solid fish, he got it on a livie with what looked like a light spin rod. I was thinking it was gonna be a big sting ray, and I was saying to Mark "Bugger that, I'd just cut the line" -how wrong i was!:laugh:

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werewolf i never use a wire trace when going for threadies. i will use either 20 or 30lb trace depending on the mainline i am using. On saturday i had 30lb braid with 30lb leader and when the fish hit i had heaps of drag set but somehow i took drag for about 5 or 10 seconds and didn't hook up.

The size of the mullet i was using for bait would have been a good fight on 2kg line let alone a meter plus threadie.

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Yeah 20 or t30 pound seems to be the go as far as leader is concerned but I know guys going up to 60. I've used lures to target the threadies but much prefer the excitment of using live bait, when you think about it, using a lure is an attemp to mimick the real thing anyway lol.. not to mention the the fullfillment you get from catching and using your own bait.. maybe thats just me.. being a bloke-o-sexual (rather than a metrosexual or a-sexual or whatever other sexuals there are out there) and living in the city, you just get that feeling deep in your guts that you have to go out and do blok-o-sexual things, like catching your own bait, and other bloke-o-sexual skills, knowing that if our country is ever invaded or I get to go on Survivor "Morton Island" I'll be able to eat and wont get voted off the island.. again maybe just me haha.

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BassTracker wrote:

Yeah 20 or t30 pound seems to be the go as far as leader is concerned but I know guys going up to 60. I've used lures to target the threadies but much prefer the excitment of using live bait, when you think about it, using a lure is an attemp to mimick the real thing anyway lol.. not to mention the the fullfillment you get from catching and using your own bait.. maybe thats just me.. being a bloke-o-sexual (rather than a metrosexual or a-sexual or whatever other sexuals there are out there) and living in the city, you just get that feeling deep in your guts that you have to go out and do blok-o-sexual things, like catching your own bait, and other bloke-o-sexual skills, knowing that if our country is ever invaded or I get to go on Survivor "Morton Island" I'll be able to eat and wont get voted off the island.. again maybe just me haha.


Tim a, which ausfish member was it? was it marty+jojo?

Cheers, Mick.

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