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front yard flatties


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Went down to a creek on my housing estate not expecting much at all but it turns out it is a hotspot for a flathead or seven:cheer:.

The spot is about 100m from my door so after a shot walk and five casts i was onto a nice 38cm flathead. I then ventured out onto a nice little rock ledge with the wife in tow 15m through stinky mud but I got another six in an hour and a half:laugh:. unfortunately the wife missed out but not through lack of trying. just unlucky:( I wish she got one because it would have been her first fish on a lure. Maybe next time. And the best one went 44cm but had two hits from one at my feet that would went 60cm+.

I was using a white DOA prawn sp. It is almost in two pieces now:( just another excuse to go shopping i suppose.:woohoo:

38cm fish[img size=327]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/flathead_forum01.JPG


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Yeh, great session! 100m from me is a drain full of rubbish and plastic crap - not a creek with flatties! Wonder if I can release some fingerlings into the kids plastic wading pool? hmmmm...also - good one getting your wife to walk 15m through mud to fish - very impressive :-)

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I have the middle brisbane river about a 5min walk from my house, i guess im a little bit lucky, although it sucks for lures and with bait you get a million catfish and eels, it does fire up for bullies in summer, without the rain though, its totally shut down, was looking foward to getting some threadys but the rain ruined that, heaps of prawns and a few bream there to, my best is 5 in one sesh, also got a nice flatty once.. but id LOVE to have a good lure spot in walking distance, lucky man.

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Rocket75 wrote:

Nice session...roughly where abouts do you live?

Shame that your girl didn't connect, but good that it is so close and productive.


I live on a strech of the coomera river. it is super shallow and rocky as. drys up a fair bit at low tide. there has been a 57cm jack caught there a few months back by an old fella on the other side of the creek.

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