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Nah.. I use chopped up pillies and pellets with some tuna oil sometimes. Put it all in a cage with a big snapper sinker. Send it to the bottom and then when you give it a few shakes the snapper sinler smashes a bit up to release it out of the cage.

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If your chasing reefies. DO NOT put a sinker in there. esp in shallow water. as they can spook VERY easily snapper more so then most species, its best to have your burley in pulp form befor it hits the water. not mincing it up in the water... also try minimal anchor chain if any, when i fish shallow water i dont use any chain. just use a good rope and youl get minimal rope breaks.if you have to use chain i generally get well foward of the spot like 50-100 meters and then drop anchor slowly! and float back to the spot... if you dont make as much noise with the burley bucket youl find your catch rates will dramactically increase :)

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