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Fishyman hits 3000


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thanks guys

plenty of me getting flamed in the last few hundred

the first 2000 were good though

but everyone doesnt like me anymore so


for my 3000 aniversary i was goign to post up every single photo we have of thready/jew etc but as its against site rules im sorry youll just have to use your imagination


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fishyman wrote:

thanks guys

plenty of me getting flamed in the last few hundred

the first 2000 were good though

but everyone doesnt like me anymore so


for my 3000 aniversary i was goign to post up every single photo we have of thready/jew etc but as its against site rules im sorry youll just have to use your imagination



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thats cause there was no threatening intent, the "wow" was cause i was waiting for a post of yeah thanks guys the site has been great and really enjoyed fishing with these people blah blah blah look forward to making more. etc but yours came right outa left field. i cant remember ever threatening you tom? but if you feel that way and wanna explanation feel free to PM me. oh and congrats.

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i was jumping in hear to say a big congrats to someone who has shwon me some great fish until i read through the posts. you are cathing awesome fish with guys you only met thanks to the site. so you disagree with people and vice versa, thats just playground rules. its an online forum no ones ever going to all agree. i hope instead of sounding all bitter you can appreciate what you gotten out of the site as opposed to disagreements. well done on the 3000 count. i cant even imagine ever getting close to 3000 with my shitty dial up and lack of fishing.

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im not saying i havnt got anything out of the site, because i have i have gained alot. learnt alot of new things and met some great people. but what i am saying is that lately the forum hasnt been about fishing and more about arguments which just detracts from the site.

cheers for the 3000

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fishyman wrote:

im not saying i havnt got anything out of the site, because i have i have gained alot. learnt alot of new things and met some great people. but what i am saying is that lately the forum hasnt been about fishing and more about arguments which just detracts from the site.

cheers for the 3000

the forum is awesome. its only a few people involved in the all the crap that acutally see any of the politics thats the funny thing. until this post i had no idea. it took a long look through the forum to fine what all this was about. my opinion is everyone is in these agruments is loosing. get over it. i must say though the sight rules clearly state a rule about blacked out pictures so if you dont like that we are not asking you to post. i think a lot of people have a massive sense of self importance which is not always reflected by 3000+ other members.

once again good work on the 3000. but seriuously look past the ego and you might realise the sight hasnt changed you have.

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