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Comslie tonight 5 Oct?


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Heading out tonight for a fish. I'll be at Comslie trying for that Thready that got away from me last week.

I also want to try my luck throwing my new 12' cast net that I grabbed on my way home from work today.

If anyone wants to join me, I'll be there from around 10:30pm-3am ish.

Will hopefully have a pic or two for ya's in the morning;)


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shortie wrote:

how did you go Rob nd chubbs
i got there before chubbs, so i put the boat in the drink, while a mate got some livies, then off we went to the other side of the riv, put out the pots and dropped my berley bomb, the plan was to cast out to the berley bomb from the beach. WRONG,over came the rent a cop and said, sorry you can't fish off the beach anymore, or get this, park your boat on the beach at all. port authorities are becomming a bloody joke.even if you are not fishing you can't park a boat there, so we anchor upstream from the berley, it didn't take long and first catty was beside the boat, big bastard too, then a tailor,hmm bait, then ol mate ray, estuary cod another ray, then the tide changed and got a bit quiet for a while, then picked up again, with prob 10 sorts of species caught and not wanting to see the sun rise it was time to bail, caught up with chubbs, a quick chat and we were like that big fish, GONE,,, but it was absolutely beautiful out on the water, it was a good fun trip :cheer:
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Got there, threw my new 12'nylon cast net 50 times and still couldn't get a good spread (nylon is so friggen hard to throw:angry: ) . I'm takeing it back to the shop to swap for a mono one.

Fished for age's and caught only 2or3 Bream. No sign of anything other than crabs on my live's.:(

I'm giveing Comslie away as a bad joke. Time to do some more exploring.:unsure:

As Rob said it was a beautiful night.


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