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Southbank reach of Bris River


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Has anyone recently fished the south bank reach of the river.?

Driving to work along the freeway of a morning it appears that the must be a pile of rocks about opposite the ferris wheel in the middle of the river, as on the run out tide there always seems to be turbulence and discoloured water .

what the rules there with the city cats??

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yeah I've often wondered about fishing along that area, but have never done it. I personally don't know if its illegal to fish there, but the citycats do come in rather close, and there will be people walking/cycling alongside you and somehow I just don't think its the best place for a fish.

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defintely no rocks in that central part of the river.. also don't discount fishing anywhere along there... all the fish that get caught much further upstream only have one way to get there ;);)

as for city cats, they only run down girls rowing their boats, so u shouldn't have too much to worry about

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When there used to be a boat ramp at the Kangaroo point cliffs there was fantastic surface action of a night time. Just used to float a rope around the capt cook bridge pylon and lure or float a livey out among the fish attacking the lives attracted to the bridge lighting. Top of tide and first 2 hours of runout used to be best.Plenty of trevs, tailor and BIG jewies.

I suppose you would get chased by security if you tried it nowdays.



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Tried for maybe 20minutes behind the new Museum landbased last wednesday night.. for nothing. Might have just been bad timing coz I reckon it looks fishy there... tried under the pacific motorway at KP straight after for.... nothing again.

I think it was just bad timing because i've done pretty well under the pacific motorway before.

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This is the problem I have when fishing the river at New farm, people cycling, jogging round about you.

Some folk are fine and stop to talk to you but a lot of folk just draw you looks and make the odd snidey comment.

One thing im curious about, is this run out tide. Does the tide run out at the same time every day? I always seem to be fishing during high tide or very low tide.

For what its worth I would imagine you would get fish anywhere in the river, but you guys would be better placed to answer that than me.

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adri4n wrote:

The tides are constantly changing and the times of the high tide/low tide are always different, check out the weather links and tides.

seabreeze.com.au or http://www.bom.gov.au/oceanography/tides/MAPS/brisbane.shtml#map

or spend $5 and get one of those little tide books from the newsagency/tackle shop if you dont have internet on your phone.

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Jords wrote:

if you want boat access to the river near the city, there is a boat ramp at westend near the markets there - seen a few people use it when we're rowing

Is that the ramp behind Pauls milk factory? Ive used it a few times when fishing near the green bridge.

Does anyone know what its like at night security? I noticed a while back there were a bunch of homeless people have set up tents etc .. Last thing I want is to come in at night (on my own) to find the car broken into or worse get mugged by some of society's unfortunates

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rayke1938 wrote:

When there used to be a boat ramp at the Kangaroo point cliffs there was fantastic surface action of a night time. Just used to float a rope around the capt cook bridge pylon and lure or float a livey out among the fish attacking the lives attracted to the bridge lighting. Top of tide and first 2 hours of runout used to be best.Plenty of trevs, tailor and BIG jewies.

I suppose you would get chased by security if you tried it nowdays.



i have tried on the northern colunm, for not much, but i didn't give it much of a go, i might try again soon, now that i have read this, there was activity on the surface, hmmmm
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Rob Low wrote:

rayke1938 wrote:
When there used to be a boat ramp at the Kangaroo point cliffs there was fantastic surface action of a night time. Just used to float a rope around the capt cook bridge pylon and lure or float a livey out among the fish attacking the lives attracted to the bridge lighting. Top of tide and first 2 hours of runout used to be best.Plenty of trevs, tailor and BIG jewies.

I suppose you would get chased by security if you tried it nowdays.



i have tried on the northern colunm, for not much, but i didn't give it much of a go, i might try again soon, now that i have read this, there was activity on the surface, hmmmm

I can rememebr reading an article years ago where they were pulling nice jewie from under the Captain Cook Bridge it was well before the dredging stopped

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  • 3 weeks later...

planetfonz wrote:

defintely no rocks in that central part of the river.. also don't discount fishing anywhere along there... all the fish that get caught much further upstream only have one way to get there ;);)

as for city cats, they only run down girls rowing their boats, so u shouldn't have too much to worry about

Put the tinnie in at West End y'day to check out the stretch of water between Captain Cook bridge & grey street bridge.

Found some big holes and a "significant Lump " if not rocks in front of the Ferris wheel..

Running up stream sounder was showing the bottom and at about 40ft +/- it drops to about 53 ft virtually of front of the ferry pontoons then as you go up stream in raises to about 24 - 28ft then back to 40 ft odd.

Some nice holes near the bike way as well between the museum & herschel street as well under the rail bridge great back water / eddies happening there!

Got there when the tide was rushing in had a few flicks under the walkway (reckon there'd have to be jacks there .. nice deep water , straight drop / rocky ledges )and along the bank but nothing to report.

Then went up to the green bridge and sat up stream of the rocks til the the run dropped off, Got a few good hits / run followed by good snags. plenty of the latter.

Then positioned up just down stream for prior to the tide change. Not much action til the run started landed about 8-9 catties best 35cm . Had on good hit but cut off figure it was a cattie as plenty of slim on the line(4/0 long shank but cut off not at the hook .. half way up the trace :huh::blink: . must have had a nic off in the line ???

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planetfonz wrote:

haha.. for some reason when i thought of rocks its a 17mile rocks image that pops into my head ... and i've seen the turbulance there at southbank but it didn't click.. i'm gonna go eat some cheese in the corner

LOL fonzie u dirty cheese eater

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had a fish a few weeks ago along that walkway right in front of the new Art Gallery and around where they are starting to build that new bridge... for nothing.

Using switchblades and sx-40s for not even a touch.

Mind you I then proceeded to Kangaroo Point where there are usually bream for... nothing as well. So it could have just been the night was off.

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planetfonz wrote:

haha.. for some reason when i thought of rocks its a 17mile rocks image that pops into my head ... and i've seen the turbulance there at southbank but it didn't click.. i'm gonna go eat some cheese in the corner


:laugh: :laugh:

sorry mate poor grammar .... Mud guts the english teacher always said you've failed if the reader didnt understand the message ...never did like english but I've a degree in bad language if that helps (pfff filters)of course its socially unacceptable of course in such a forum...:silly:

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Smiderman wrote:

planetfonz wrote:
defintely no rocks in that central part of the river.. also don't discount fishing anywhere along there... all the fish that get caught much further upstream only have one way to get there ;);)

as for city cats, they only run down girls rowing their boats, so u shouldn't have too much to worry about

Put the tinnie in at West End y'day to check out the stretch of water between Captain Cook bridge & grey street bridge.

Found some big holes and a "significant Lump " if not rocks in front of the Ferris wheel..

Running up stream sounder was showing the bottom and at about 40ft +/- it drops to about 53 ft virtually of front of the ferry pontoons then as you go up stream in raises to about 24 - 28ft then back to 40 ft odd.

Some nice holes near the bike way as well between the museum & herschel street as well under the rail bridge great back water / eddies happening there!

Got there when the tide was rushing in had a few flicks under the walkway (reckon there'd have to be jacks there .. nice deep water , straight drop / rocky ledges )and along the bank but nothing to report.

Then went up to the green bridge and sat up stream of the rocks til the the run dropped off, Got a few good hits / run followed by good snags. plenty of the latter.

Then positioned up just down stream for prior to the tide change. Not much action til the run started landed about 8-9 catties best 35cm . Had on good hit but cut off figure it was a cattie as plenty of slim on the line(4/0 long shank but cut off not at the hook .. half way up the trace :huh::blink: . must have had a nic off in the line ???

good chance it was a pike eel

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