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Everything posted by benno573

  1. Where’s the pic of the car???
  2. Thanks for sharing @Angry51. Glad there was lots of @Drop Bear and minimal glimpses of @Old Scaley hope all goes well with the installation of the ROB’s at the port.
  3. i'm very much looking forward to that day mate. if i teach her all my fishing habits and avoid @ellicat teaching her any of his she will hopefully be catching her own dinner before i know it!
  4. Hi all, had a bit of an interesting start to my whiting and sand crab session with some mates on their boat last Saturday. the boat lives in the dry dock at horizon shores and given the forklift driver doesn’t start until 730am and we asked for it to be put in the water the night before for a 6am start on Saturday to meet the low tide. Arrived bang on time, no boat in water... twiddled thumbs... twiddled thumbs... finally boat gets on the water and away at 725... we headed straight to one of the yabby banks to try and get the days bait - seal failed on the yabby pump, no suction. Spare seal on board, not able to get the wingnut undone to replace. Spray spray spray... wait wait wait... swear swear swear... finally got it undone by which stage the bank was underwater. Dropped the pots in quickly to try and salvage something from the day at least. Drove 15 minutes up the road to another bank - finally had bait sorted. Then drove back to the chosen spot, first line hit the water just after 930. So much for the early start... the fish weren’t in huge numbers but the quality was there. We also landed the obligatory quota of bream that we’re all released and a couple of undersized grunter. We managed 14 whiting for the boat with the best at 36.5cm and only one under 30 in about 2 hours before the tide slackened and we stopped for lunch. A good recovery given the start! As we were eating the tide just started to run out and I got a hit on a rod I had left out in hope. This was a good fish and peeled some line and everything and had my hopes high for a nice grunter to add to the bag. My hopes were dashed when this pesky fellow surfaced and was promptly bled and released into the slurry goes to show everything loves a yabby. He went a bees thingo under 40cm on the stick. we then pulled the pots for an average haul of 6 legal sandies before heading home to meet some deadlines and keep the brownie point balance in positive territory. my share of the catch Whiting is very popular on the home front too cheers benno
  5. Catch more fish mate. Easiest way to get more practice! my offer from some time ago still stands in this regard.
  6. You missed the “catching” part...
  7. a mixture. zerek tango shad 50mm, damiki armour shad 55mm and even picked up two on trolled plastics. landed 8 for the morning but unfortunately not the table sized one i was looking for.
  8. as long as they are bled and looked after, pan fried dusted in flour works a treat. also hold together well in a curry or similar. extremely underrated food fish at that size in my opinion.
  9. decided to use a couple of brownie points and take my yak for a spin this morning. got to the ramp just on sunrise, loved the fact there was no other cars at the ramp, and got my stuff together and got into it I trolled around for a bit and landed a small flathead, followed by another. I then hooked something a bit more solid and landed a GT around 40cm. I really enjoy eating these so it was bled and released into the esky. I continued on and landed another 4 undersized flathead, a small tailor and a bream. Then I hooked something very solid which started towing me off down the creek. Unfortunately I correctly guessed during the fight what had happened - I had trolled over a stingray and the hooks had stuck. I managed to get the large cow tail ray up beside the yak and even managed to get my lure back. i then passed by a family of swans and not long after hooked a second GT which was also released into the esky. i covered just over 16km according to gps, not a massively successful morning but enough action to keep me interested, good to clear the mind and a feed for the family to boot. cheers, benno
  10. I’d agree with the comments about bait rather than lures for best chance of a result. They can show up anywhere out from sunny coast, often right on close too. Often a floating pillie will do the damage.
  11. Bungs for boat once... seat for kayak another time... “forgot” what time I told the boss I would be home a few times as well...
  12. @tugger if you had a choice, would you prefer Coro trout or coral trout on the table? In my personal opinion, I haven’t found anything that tops a coro for me but I also eat those funny yellow fish you despise.
  13. Fog early means a calm day. Looks like it turned into a cracker ray.
  14. To be fair probably a 30kg fish taken on 37kg gear... 8kg pretest next time...
  15. Thanks for the report mate, great to see reports from around Oz. looks like a cracker day out for a last minute decision.
  16. Just go fishing more? Solves all the problems!
  17. When you said cricket scores I guess you weren’t referring to Australia of late - dinner would have involved a lot more plucking!
  18. Lot of talk about total allowable catch limits - i.e combined statewide limit for commercial and recreational sectors which, in theory, are the best way to protect the stocks overall. Also some talk of lower limits within Moreton bay for sand crabs relative to the rest of the state which again, in theory, is not a bad option if the data supports it. will be most interested to see what data they base their decisions on and whether rec fishos (who generally account for a small portion of current catch) will be penalized harder than the commercial guys as has happened with black jewfish when TAC came in.
  19. This is actually nothing new. I don’t agree with it but there have been signs about park access hours at Wellington point for some time. Assuming some recent incidents have resulted in stricter enforcement. Bogans ruin stuff for everyone. interesting that the local law applies to any park which would mean potentially most boat ramps within the Redlands could be affected under the same law.
  20. Don’t do it Hamish. the problem with an old boat/motor is just that - it is old. Even with regular maintenance and servicing, there will still be issues. Add into that two regos (boat+trailer), upkeep, maintenance, consumables (fuel, oil etc)... without a regular income you would find yourself off the water real quick. ill throw a curveball out there... consider perhaps the type of kayak you have and maybe look to invest into a hobie or similar. I can easily cover 15km+ in a day on my hobie despite the fact, as you have pointed out previously, I am fat and old. I can fish a lot of places that you can on a boat and certainly anywhere you can in a 3m tinny with a 6hp - and the best bit a lot of places you just can’t get to on a boat of any size. You can pick up reasonable second hand ones for $1500-ish. pros: no rego costs, no insurance costs, minimal maintenance, no trailer. cons: person powered, still requires a car to move it (maybe a push bike attachment option)
  21. I have one that is a dexter Russell brand that looks very similar. If it is the same one you won’t be disappointed with it at all.
  22. Dropped one on a show off 1770... 4 well legal sized hussar came back up, would have been 6 but the bottom 2 busted off.
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