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New to Brisbane fishing .. Any tips ??


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Hi People,

Just put my deposit on a 19' Shark Cat.

Done a bit outside off the Broadwater at the 12's 24's and 36's

Got a couple of questions

1/ Are there any fish in Moreton bay or will I have to go Gold or Sunshine Coast to find a fish ?

2/ Being from Brisbane West any suggestions where I should look for decent fish.

Not really into super light gear fishing and would like to eat the catch OR be so exhausted after the fight of the fish I need to pass out :)

Thanks in advance for your replies.

Good fishing to you all


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Can you throw a cast net? The brissy river fishes very well if using livies and you put in the time. Prawns and herring hang out around the warfs.

The bay also fishes well but you have to put in the time. Summer it fills up with random big beasties (reports of small marlin last year), winter squid whiting snaps and kings.

The reefs the other side of the islands go altight too.

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Mate re the river and bay, have a good read through the reports and narrow down the questions.

Sometimes super broad questions are met with a bit more silence, especially when there are plenty of similar threads and reports greatly detailing your question. The search function can be of great assistance in these instances.


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