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shultz canal?


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fidel wrote:

How far up would you envisage I could take a short shaft 15hp 12ft tinny???
you can also go into jacksons creek to, just pick the tides, once you get past the sandbank at the mouth, it's actually deeper than schultz. went up there with keechie a while back, while my live never got a touch, keechie's arti was attracting all sorts of attention, we got tailor at the barge, all be it small 1's on livies, :cheer:
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fidel wrote:

ok sweet - thanks for the info - there should be maps somewhere with it all labelled :)
you don't need maps. from the ramp head towards the mouth, jacksons ck is on therhs just b4 the mouth, enter on a rising tide, looks awsome in there ay, and just go exploring once in there. let me know if you do give it a try, will prob join ya
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Richo80 wrote:

what could i cath thru that part of the river..?
most commonly caught species i would say, flathead,but bream whiting tailor can all be caught around the place, you just have to put in the hours and be there at the right times, 12 foot sharks have also been sighted there too, hmmmm, but not by me.so take that as you will.
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drive past the dump past the boat ramp

towards nudgee beach

on your right not far is a rock wall

good at the beginning of that deepish hole

pilchards are pretty good

run in tide should get tailor or flatty

tho the odd catty at the mom due to the rain

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