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Stanley River tomorrow


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Hey guys

After reading the recent awesome reports from the Stanley river, my mate Chris smith and i are going to try it out tomorrow. So feel free to join us, we'll be there all day trying to catch some fish, lol.

So i know where it is, i remember passing over it on the way to woodford but does anyone know like the best access point? just so we're not trespassing or bush bashing aimlessly for hours.

I'm very excited about this trip.



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Thanks guys

Yeah i never intended to trespass, dont want a shotgun pulled on me. ha.

So as i discovered today its quite a long river. We just found a bridge near the woodford camp grounds and fished near it. The water wasn't very deep where we were but boy is it a beautiful river. WE only landed one bass from the hour that we were there. WE drove up to baroon for an arvo session and got 2 more there and plenty of annoying spangled perch.

Anyways it was a great day and im looking forward to visiting the river again, if anyones heading out there i'd be very keen to tag along.



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