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Bruce Kruk lands 359-lb Rainbow trout

Bruce Kruk, who blindfolds his friends to keep his favourite fishing spot secret has come up with a record-beating fish - a rainbow trout weighing 359.1 pounds. The giant hauled in by Bruce Kruk of is 12 ounces above the previous record, a BC biologist confirmed. It's been cut down to fillets. The first fillet weighed 53 pounds, Bruce said. He caught it near a chemical outflow on the .... He won't give a more specific description. 'I put myself in a harness and just had to lay back and fight,' Bruce said.? 'It was about a 15 or 20 minute fight.' Bruce cleaned the fish late Monday afternoon. 'We'll split it up,' he said. 'I'll make some phone calls and try to get rid of it fresh. The rest, we'll vacuum pack it and cook it later.' Bruce says he believes the fish is about 33 years old. He plans to send an inner-ear bone called the otolith to a University in where researchers can help determine the age of the fish. He hopes to get the results in about four weeks.

The world record, caught in BC in 1985, is 436 pounds, 12 ounces. [img size=906]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/clip_image001.jpg

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I smell something fishy. Firstly that ain't a Rainbow Trout, that's definitely from the Cod/Groper family. Which means that it didn't come from BC(I'm guessing British Colombia), because Cod/Gropers are tropical fish. Maybe someone has trout, as in coral trout mixed up, but either way I think the story is BS. The pics real no doubt, but big cod like this can be found everywhere and you don't have to be Einstein to catch one, just prepared and determined. Fishing near a chemical outflow, then eating an old fish, is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. Hopefully either the mercury buildup or the cigateura will knock some sense into them.

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Thats a masive fish with a paddle tail like that it would have put up a briliant fight. I would have more respect for Bruce Kruk if he taged and released the beast in aid of scientific research although i know it had to be kept for proof of capture for the world record in BC. I hope Bruce krup is proud of his world record. Imagine keeping a fish that big? By the time you got around to eating it from the freezer it probably wouldn't taste the best.

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