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Southern Bay Islands 31/3


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Went out for a quick session this afternoon with the Mrs chasing squire around the southern bay. Managed 10 squire and a Tailor between us. On the water at 4:00 and back at the ramp by 7:00pm so fun filled session. Plastics that did the damage were nuc chook shrimp and neon watermelon shads.

[img size=363]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/Kim.jpg


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I'm abit unsure as to what it is now. Looks like a Warehou, but there are a couple of slight difference (ie pectorial fin length, unless it's a trick of the light or something), also, as you can see from the map, they are very much a southern species, so not sure :S

Still definately not a Tailor though, but not sure what it actually is...

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Macattack...yeah it went pretty hard...i was actually retrieving my plastic really fast to avoid wrapping it around a beacon as we drifted and it just hit it...i got no idea what it is ill try and post a better pic later.

And yeah the Mrs outfished me on this occasion im afraid. She was recently diagnosed with Leukaemia so we have spent alot of time over the past few months in and out hospital so it was really good to get her out and on to some good fish.

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nice session there mate, you must learn never take the missus cause they will all ways out fish you lol some quality squire there, and i think that fish looks like a lil amberjack only because the anal edge is white and not yellow as with the kingies, i bet it would have hammered off the mark :laugh: i would say at that size they would be ok eating, did you bleed on capture as it suggest that in grants guide?

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Who knows what the fish is but I am probally calling it for a small AJ. I reckon he size limits for AJ's, yellowtail kingfish ec. are a bit complex. I think AJ's samson fish and YT kings should all be the same 60 or 75cm. There are heaps of anglers that can't differentiate a YT king from an AJ or AJ from a sampsonfish. Rainbow runners make it more confusing as far as I am aware don't have a size or posession limit but are difficult to tell apart from YT kings. :unsure:

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Nice session mate and a great feed!

Looks like a little kingy to me, and that would mame sense for the location. But it is a bit hard to tell with the faded colour and angle of the head.

Still an excellent little squire session mate.


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