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What the?????!!!!!


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Grabbed a handfull of HB's and the baitcaster and went for a wade inside the Hornibrook this arvo. Conditions were quite nice and I settled into casting with a fairly large Mann's 10+.

After about 10 minutes I get a solid hookup on the surface at the first crank of the retrieve. Something silver flashes off into the current....tailor???

After a few runs I'm getting it into shallower water when I see a dark shadow closing in from behind. Convinced it's a shark, I tighten the drag and muscle the fish straight onto the bank....a 48cm mullet hooked in the top of the nose! Out of the water came the "shark".....a bloody cormorant. It scurries up the bank and starts trying to eat my mullet......at my feet!!!

Then I realised that it wasn't trying to eat the mullet, it was trying to eat the lure which looked pretty much like a bait sized poddy mullet.

Fending off the bird with one foot, I snatched up the mullet and started dehooking it. Meanwhile the bloody shag is flying up at me still trying for the lure!!!The mullet's a shakin' I'm a dancin' and a spinnin' and the shag's attackin'. Must have looked a treat from the bridge.

I get the mullet free and toss it on the ground as a decoy, but the shag's not interested, it's still after the bloody lure!!!

In the end I had to cut it off the line and put it in my bag out of sight. The bird quietens down but refuses to leave. I try chasing it waving my arms in the air, all to no avail. Somebody must feed this thing, it has no fear of humans.

I move 50 metres up the channel, the shag follows.

I take my mullet and go home. At least I got some crab bait.

I'll try to post a pic of mullet and shag when I work out how.


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Haha, that is pretty funny HW, obviously the mullet was a bit too big for its liking and settled for your HB instead. Its like having fish and chips at the beach and seagulls eyeballing your meal and as soon as you look the other way, in they come for a snatch and run feed.

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Thats funny as! This morning my mate Slater and I went for a SP fish (his 2nd ever). Report coming later.

Youll never guess what his first catch on SP was :P

A shag!!!

We can now safely assume April in Shag Season. (if only it was as good as it sounds).


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Nice story mate got a good laugh out of it :laugh:

Just a quick question about inside the Hornibrook. When do you tend to fish that area? On the run-in tide or the Run-out ?? I was there a little while back in the arvo and the water coming over the flats was very warm. It was after the rain so the water was really dirty as well. Only foul hooked a little gar that day on a popper. :P

No shags in sight on that day :blush:



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BrisBassMan wrote:

Nice story mate got a good laugh out of it :laugh:

Just a quick question about inside the Hornibrook. When do you tend to fish that area? On the run-in tide or the Run-out ?? I was there a little while back in the arvo and the water coming over the flats was very warm. It was after the rain so the water was really dirty as well. Only foul hooked a little gar that day on a popper. :P

No shags in sight on that day :blush:



The last of the run out and the start of the run in can produce fish. Best leading into the full or new moon as the low tides get lower. Anything less than half a metre, and you can access all of the channel. Next few days and the weekend the tides are very good.

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Ahhh lol! that made me laugh weasel. Bloody birds that are keen for food can be persistent sometimes. Reminds me of a time when me and a few mates were snappin down some grub at palm beach one day. We were sitting there enjoying our food and their was this big fat dude sitting on a bench with fish and chips about 3 meters away from us. At this guys feet were about 30 gulls, which he'd throw a chip to every now and then, all sqwauking and pecking and carrying on with about 3 gulls hovering in the air just above him. After about 10 mins, one of the gulls hovering above him must have got fed up with waiting for a chip to be thrown his way and it just swooped down straight onto his lap, snatched up a beak full of chips, and then triumphantly jetted out of there but not before blasting the rest of this guys meal off his lap and into the throng of eager gulls that had congregated around him. lol!!!!!!! Poor bloke! He was just standing there with his hands in the air , stunned as all these gulls went ape-o on his lunch. He was looking at us as well cause we were rolling around laughing at the sight of it. Normally you try and be descreet when laughing at someone elses misfortune but we couldn't help it cause it was so hilarious! One of the funniest things i've seen in my life :laugh:

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