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Light spinnerbaits


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Why is it so hard to find light weight spinnerbaits?! :S I'm after some good quality 1/8 - 1/4oz ones, preferably 1/8oz, but almost everything seems to be 3/8oz plus.

Do people think 1/8oz is too light even for shallow rivers/creeks? (this is what I want them for) If so, I'm willing to listen to opinion, and maybe I should try heavier ones...

Anyway, does anyone know where I can get hold of a good selection of quality 1/8oz spinnerbaits?



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Yeah Tomca I've actually had some success with the soft plastic jig spinners in creeks, but no one seems to talk about them much and everyone raves about spinnerbaits, so I thought I'd better give the spinnerbaits a bit more of a go, not having much success with them so far.

Is there anyone who thinks SPs with jig spinners are as good or better than spinnerbaits in creeks?

Thanks for the tips too guys :)


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yep Steve

m8 i fish a fair few bass comps and alot of people including myself use the beatle spin approach not only in narrow or small water but anywhere that a more subtle approach is needed,most of the guys use the slider grub style of plastic on them,they seem to work the best.


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I find with the s/baits or beetlespins that to be a winner is to be able to land them with minimum splash, it has to be as light as a bug landing on the water, having said that smaller is better for skinny creek fishing, where even catching a fish can put the others off for some time sometimes.

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I love my 1/8 and 1/4 oz TT striker and tornado spinnerbaits from BCF virginia, but as I've mentioned - I don't have a whole lot of experience with anything, and would defer to the vast experience of the other AFOers replying to this thread. I think I might get some sp jig spinners myself B) Good luck with your future creek hunt!

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