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Stainless Wire - what to do with it


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Ok scored myself 2 x 5m lengths of 500lb breaking strain stainless steel wire today. (1.5mm thick)one length is 7 strand and reasonable soft, the other has more strands and is stiffer.

Is this to big for the normal crimping pliers you can get? Or do I need to get some game fishing ones? And if I do will they do normal sized wire.

I was thinking of making 2 rigs out of each, using VMC11/0's. One in an end loop, the other running free, with a 100lb swivel on the other end, for connecting to the main line. Making them roughly a 7 foot long livie rig.

Does this sound a reasonable way to use this wire?

If necessary I can plastic dip the rig, but I know ofplenty of people who catch big sharks on bare wire, so dont really think it is necessary.

Post edited by: Feral, at: 2007/04/11 19:53

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hey mate, try this...

when using wire that thick ive found that its hard to crimp it successfully, especially if the wire is relatively soft, so the best thing to do is i think its called splicing, where you seperate four strands from the other three for about 4 inches and put your hook between them. this next parts hard to explain. you then bend the two lengths in an upside down 'u' and thread the wire over itself so it looks just like it had before you touched it. no knots or crimps necessary, this technique has never failed me, landing some nice sharks and some massive snags!!! never once came undone. if the way ive explained it hasnt made sense i can send you some diagrams if you like. also, the way your putting your hooks on is spot on i reckon, i use two 10/0's or 12/0's for anything live over 30-40 cm's.

hope this helps


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